Jul 17, 2006 16:10
Drove to Leicester on Friday morning and there was a lorry on fire and it wasn't very...appealing. So i was a tad late. Managed to park outside Hannah and Ben's house and then met Pete to spend the day together. Was lots of fun because i got to do my perfect thing - go to the cinema (to see a really good film) and then have a meal. And i got to do it with my nice boyfriend who allowed me to have ice cream, mmm. We watched Superman Returns - excellent!! I really enjoyed it, and am quite partial to the new Superman Brandon Routh. I thought it was better than Pirates of the Carribean to be honest. When i think about POTC2 i realise i didn't enjoy as much as Louise did or the first one. Hmm. We went to Frankie and Benny's, i had one of those folded over pizzas and it was yummy.
On Saturday me, Han and Ben went shopping and then we had a BBQ and watched a DVD with Pete when he returned from Worcester. Their house is lovely, my double bedwas very comfy. It's a very grown up house i think, and anyway, i was very impressed! Hannah is also coping so far with living with a BOY hahaha.
Hmm Sunday went on a little trip with Pete and got angry with him for something which perhaps i shouldn't. But i'll rant about it another time when it's actually annoying me, which today it isn't. Not at the moment anyway. We erm...managed to end the day nicely though, heee, but won't go into that, although i really want to. Ahem.
Apparently, yesterday was the only day in the year when ants grow wings and fly away, according to Hannah and Ben. How weird is that?!
Just been to gym, am sweaty and smelley. Should really go shower.
OH YES, i have an interview tomorrow morning, a school finally rung me!! It's in Thornhill which i thought was a really bad place but actually it's not and is quite pretty. Louise and I ventured there this morning to see what the place looked like you see. So arrgh for tomorrow!
am hungry