My name is Elise Krepcho, I'm an Alluni from Southeastern College of the Assemblies of God. We appreciate your interest in attending our institution. We are pleased to infrom you that we will be shortly changing the status of Southeastern from a College to a University. Because of this change, a degree earned from Southeastern University will be like Gold. GOLD I tell you! If you stay in Virginia Beach you'll more than likely end up going to TCC or ODU or REGENT university with everyone else, living in your house on Donningtion Drive until you're 26 years old and dating someone you've known since you were 12.
Comments 7
My name is Elise Krepcho, I'm an Alluni from Southeastern College of the Assemblies of God. We appreciate your interest in attending our institution. We are pleased to infrom you that we will be shortly changing the status of Southeastern from a College to a University. Because of this change, a degree earned from Southeastern University will be like Gold. GOLD I tell you! If you stay in Virginia Beach you'll more than likely end up going to TCC or ODU or REGENT university with everyone else, living in your house on Donningtion Drive until you're 26 years old and dating someone you've known since you were 12.
Take this as a warning.
We hope to see you in the Fall!
Be Salt,
Elise Krepcho
This is Elise again, i meant *Allumni*
get the hell out of here...(this is for everyone else)
i don't know the lyrics anymore.
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