Dec 02, 2008 20:21
Apologies I am now seriously behind on LJ. An hour after my lil last holiday post I was in hospital being tutted over and admitted. So trying to catch up on major life events but pls forgive if i've misssed soemthing or linky.
This has been a tad stressful couple of weeks, those of you who recieved random txts know some of it or are completely confused and others who have had chance to speak to know most.
Turned up to physio in rather bad way as some of you have witnessed since August my simple pulling of back muscles has been tad painful and oddly getting worse. Well this time physio dragged me into middle of spinal clinic demanding that docs needed to look at me again. she has been an narky thing sometimes but came in handy in this case as was seen that afternoon and turns out I shouldn't be having these problems still- really not shit sherlock. Anyhow after a delightful examination culminating in another rubber glove- my but I am getting spoilt by all this flattering attention, not sure how it helps but what the hey smile and make jokes to make the doc more embarrassed than you that the trick I am liking. End result in hospital awaiting neuro exams, mri scans, blood test, physio and various other pokings with needles, this lasted two whole weeks which included my 30th so no party except for a lil cake which certain visiting parties were banned from lighting due to oxygen masks on ward- bah.
Well turns out I wasn't a wuss like doc was trying to make out have slipped disc between my 4/5 vertebrae that pressing on sciatic nerve and causing all sorts of side effects includng pain(sorry doc says it's bound to ache- good job it not actually pain yet you are prescribing me morphine... draw your own conclusions)altered sensation in legs, numbness, inability to get toes and leg muscles to do what they damn well told and occasionally need for product advertised for lil old ladies when pain really starts kicking up. I have gone passed embarrassed into angry and annoyed.
Atm seeing consultant next monday who, thanks to nice nurse 'accidentily' slipping in carbon copy of something from file, know will recommend painkillers physio and manipulation to see if we can get it moving back into good place and staying there for a reasonable amount of time. Not very pro-active but not wanting anyone to slice into my spine before tryin other options and really want anyone but this consultant to be the one who might end up coming near me, thinking be good girl do as told, smile sweetly then if I still want to smash him in face cordially ask for a refferal as I will be moving out of Liverpool anyway January.
So that been me, but god help me hell or high water going to take these sodding painkillers and do my best to come out to play and see people, not to mention plan a wedding in about 5 weeks time..... better go oromorph beckons