When 8 went adventuring

Mar 31, 2008 13:43

I am sat in waiting for my new shiny phone to arrive so thought I would take the opportunity to tell of the fun and frolics that happened over the weekend.

Take mechaninja, autumnpshyce, voidrkraken, ume_chika, semichubby and ginger(now expensively blond) Dave and his new love the ‘other’ Nat add large muddy field which huge tent and alluring flashing lights and you have the setting for Friday’s  fun.

Firstly Sefton park after a couple of days of rain turns into a swamp, walking on a path into circus that has been trod many times afore is made of an interesting version of foot sinking squelch and ooops slippy. Luckily our party know trusty black leather boot weather. The wonders of the Chinese state circus would be hard to sum up without extravagance of detail but I shall attempt to give a flavour with my personal reactions:

Plate spinners: 10 women keeping 12 plates each spinning constantly while doing everything from full body flips to standing on each others heads, I was intensely happy at the end of the act to see a single plate get knocked by curtain off stage, thus confirming I am a git.

Contortionist: Ow, ow and mm that could be interesting.

Followed by warrior:  who proceed to do most of what contortionist had done and was serenely posed looking all powerful and elegant with his leg up by his ear when, BANG he pushes his whole weight behind the fall slamming down in this position to the mat, I do not believe there was a single male who posessed a dry eye at that point. This proved yeah she may be bendy but I am hard!

Wu shu - Warriors: Yes a foil sword is shiny, yes it does make an impressive swish, *mumbles* still bloody foil.  Wonder if their way of using foot to flick up cane staff from the floor swirl it round then catch it could be applied to arming oneself with a white oak quarter staff? That would be a cool way to go from nonchalant to fully armed.

Motorbikes: Metal sphere approx 15ftx 15ft & 4  full size motorbikes. Insert motorbikes into sphere and watch them all drive round and round, chasing each other then crissing then crossing. Deafening roar of engines and actually achieved a woman in the audience screaming! Twas very good.

The evening culminated with party happily skipping through dark water logged tracks and being led to playground. Where at around 1130 if you had listened carefully delighted squeals where made by all. Semichubby and voidkraken discovered a huge tyre swing, Gleefully cheered on by ume-chika there is something about two hairy blokes going wee with their legs sticking out as they swing round in increasingly vomit inducing circles that is absolutely hilarious. Mechaninja was crowned king of the castle.  Autumnphysche elegantly showed excellent swing technique, although her main cry of the evening when on an odd wishbone type standing up see-saw was a not quite so elegant ’ow that really hurts my ass’. Semichubby for a grand finale went on the slide and possessed such great technique that he efficiently slid right off the end and into a lovely big puddle, so we left to take the brave lil soldier home to change his pants and warm ourselves by the fire.

Thanks guys I really needed that. x

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