Nov 29, 2011 12:50
Someday I'd love to do a podcasting panel, if to share my perspective both from a promotional standpoint and from the audience's eyes. There are so many little things that drive me crazy as an audio drama listener. I admit a lot of this is in reaction to the recent Katniss Chronicles. They have a beautiful site, it's very nicely designed and stylish, but lord do they make getting episodes a pain. And when that's your basic content, that strikes me as a Problem. (And I get that their direct download/Podbean site has delayed/maintenance issues, it's just frustrating.)
1. iTunes is the a double edged sword. It's a big massive market, but not everyone loves iTunes. Do not make that your only outlet or source for your podcast.
2. People do want to download the episodes individually. I drag and drop them into my mp3 player to listen to later. Listening from the website isn't feasible or practical most of the time.
3. Please be consistent naming your episode files. If you know you have an episode + bonus or commentary, mark them accordingly. If I'm looking at the folder with your episodes downloaded and can't at a glance see the order, that's a problem.
"Keep it Simple Stupid" sounds condescending sometimes, but really it's just plain common sense. You want to make it as easy as possible for people to find your shows and listen to them, right? RIGHT? Being fancy may win you design points, but it won't necessarily keep people coming back.