After the events that happend this last weekend, we decided we want more answers regarding the donation from the Luke and Noah in Paris events then we got. We made a letter we are going to send to MGC events and we would like to send it cosigned by as many fans as possible.
If you reply to this post and you want to cosign the letter, your name will be added on the bottom of the letter. Any replies we get we will post here on my livejournal. You can reply with either your screenname or your first name. For you who dont know it, my first name is Debby.
If you feel the need to read up on what happened again, you can do that here .
We, the fans of Luke and Noah, and in particular those fans present at the Luke and Noah in Paris events in 2009 and 2010, present this formal request to you for insight into the amount of money the two events raised for ILGA.
If you do not wish to provide the formal figures, we would like to hear, through an official reply, your reasons for refusing.
We would like answers to the following questions:
1. What was the final amount of money raised, if any, at the Luke and Noah in Paris 1 event, held on October 17, 2009?
2. What was the final amount of money raised, if any, at the Luke and Noah in Paris 2 event, held on July 10, 2010?
3. When were payments sent to ILGA, and in what amounts?
4. Did you fund the Luke and Noah in Paris 2 event, in full or in part, with money raised at the Luke and Noah in Paris 1 event?
5. We were told the profits from the first event would go to ILGA. If you did not raise any money with the first event, why did you decide to host a second event less than a year later? Why did you not inform potential attendees before the second event that no money had been raised at the first?
6. Why did you not contact ILGA before you used their logo and name to advertise and promote the two events?
According to French and European law, Loi du 1er juillet 1901 relative au contrat d'association article 4, paragraph 2 and paragraph 4, donors that attended an event advertised as a fundraiser have the right to ask insight in the books. By sending you this official request, we hereby do so.
Fandom and events centered around fandom are built upon mutual trust and respect. When we learned that ILGA had received no payments from either Paris event, we lost our trust in you. The statement you posted on the MGC website, which directly answered none of the questions that had been raised and offered no explanations for the delay in payment to ILGA, did not take away our concerns. Our decision to contact ILGA and ask about the money we donated by attending the events was not reached lightly. We asked you about it several times, and you chose not to answer our questions.
You have stated that you believe we should be ashamed of ourselves for doubting your loyalty, when we simply wish to know how the money we donated ostensibly to support a charity was spent. We have the right to ask these questions. There is no shame in that, and loyalty is not a consideration. It is disrespectful to us to say otherwise.
We applaud you for organising an event we enjoyed being part of, and we thank you for your efforts in organising these two wonderful days. We feel it is a shame the aftertaste has become so sour.
Awaiting your answer, with kind regards