Okay, so I think it's pretty obvious by my lack of updates that I... don't make icons anymore. BUT, I am still a rampant TV watcher.
What I'm watching this fall 2007 season:
In love with:
- Pushing Daisies**
- Gossip Girl**
- The Office**
- Heroes*
Watch for fun, and I don't mind if I fall behind:
- House
- Chuck
- Grey's Anatomy
- Prison Break
So I'm always willing to talk TV!! But because I've got a personal journal on GJ rather than LJ, there won't be many "I'm failing at life" emotional breakdown posts here, LOL.
ANYWAY, my one recommendation is to go see the film "Once" as soon as possible because it is the best movie I have EVER SEEN.
trailer ALSO:
Juno, anyone?!?!?!?!