Politics and poorness

Mar 21, 2008 15:52

Current Action Alert
Low-Income Renters at Risk in Budget Debate:
Call TODAY to Oppose 21% Cut in Renters’ Credit

The Renters’ Credit is an important tool for tax fairness in Minnesota. It provides an average credit of $536 to over 271,000 low- and moderate-income households with high housing costs. 29% of households receiving the Renters’ Credit include seniors and/or people with severe disabilities.

In his budget, Governor Pawlenty proposes to cut the Renters’ Credit by 21%. The average credit would be cut by $119.

The Governor’s budget asks low-income people, persons with disabilities, seniors and other vulnerable populations to shoulder too much of the responsibility for solving the state’s budget deficit. The Legislature must take a different path.

The Legislature is making decisions about how they would solve the state’s budget shortfall. They must hear from Minnesotans: Reject the Governor’s proposal to cut the Renters’ Credit.

If your Senator or Representative is on the tax committee, please call him or her. Otherwise, please call the chairs of the tax committee and legislative leadership.

Senate Tax Committee
Chair: Tom Bakk, 296-8881
Scott Dibble, 296-4191
Debbie Johnson, 296-3219
Keith Langseth, 296-3205
Dan Larson, 297-8061
Warren Limmer, 296-2159
John Marty, 296-5645
Mee Moua, 296-5285
Julianne Ortman, 296-4837
Larry Pogemiller, 296-7809
David Senjem, 296-3903
Katie Sieben, 297-8060
Rod Skoe, 296-4196

House Tax Committee
Chair: Ann Lenczewski, 296-4218
Joe Atkins, 296-4192
Laura Brod, 296-4229
Lyndon Carlson, 296-4255
Jim Davnie, 296-0173
Chris DeLaForest, 296-4231
Randy Demmer, 296-9236
David Dill, 296-2190
Ron Erhardt, 296-4363
Debra Hilstrom, 296-3709
Mike Jaros, 296-4246
Lyle Koenen, 296-4346
Paul Kohls, 296-4282
Morrie Lanning, 296-5515
John Lesch, 296-4224
Tina Liebling, 296-0573
Paul Marquart, 296-6829
Joe Mullery, 296-4262
Erik Paulsen, 296-7449
Tom Rukavina, 296-0170
Loren Solberg, 296-2365
Cy Thao, 296-5158
Tom Tillberry, 296-5510
Kurt Zellers, 296-5502

House and Senate Leadership:
Speaker of the House: Margaret Anderson Kelliher, 296-0171
Senate Majority Leader: Larry Pogemiller, 296-7809

All phone numbers are (651) area code.
(Get all MN House and Senate members' name and contact info here)

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