Info & Backstory

Jun 25, 2006 19:00

C' know you want to ;)

Character Information:
Name//LJ Username: Julia Zarinna Davies//julia_davies
Location: Diagon Alley
Former House: Ravenclaw
Age//Birthdate: 25//November 21

Occupation: Gringotts - Curse Breaker; the job required she have excellent Arithmancy skills. Until this year she’s been living in elsewhere, and doing a lot of traveling, but she has returned to work at Gringotts in Diagon Alley.

Bloodline//Heritage: Halfblood//British on mother’s side, unknown father.

Personal History: Julia Davies had a rather different sort of childhood. No one ever would have expected Zara Davies’ daughter to least given her background. Julia’s mother raised her alone, working at various pubs and taverns in Diagon Alley to make their living. As far as a father goes, Julia really doesn’t have the slightest idea who her's was; all her mother told her was that he played guitar and was devilishly handsome, for a muggle.
Sorted into Ravenclaw, Julia excelled at her studies at Hogwarts. Her social skills, however, did not excel. Distant and somewhat cold (at least at first), Julia made only a few close friends during her time there, before graduating as the top Arithmancy student of her year. She went on to work for Gringotts, eventually securing the position she’d always wanted: a cursebreaker. The job offered the chance to leave England for good, and for a while Julia was happy living far away from the place she once called home. However, recently her mother has asked her to come home again, and reluctantly Julia obliged. She's hoping to renew old aquaintances and start over now that she's back in Diagon Alley...and perhaps get past her less social tendencies to make more friends!

Personality: Julia’s cold exterior can often be perceived as cruel (she's not!) and sarcastic (okay, she is that), but in truth she’s far nicer that she lets herself come across as. Obsessive would be an understatement with her personality, and if there was ever someone who exhibited too much drive and curiosity, it was Julia. Full speed ahead is her credo, and she’ll do whatever she must to quench her thirst for knowledge. Sneak into a forbidden area? Sure. Pick the locked doors that hide whatever secrets she might be after? Of course. Perhaps that’s why she loves her job so much, but no curse is left unbroken, and no stone unturned when she’s put her mind to it. She's not shy, but she is reserved. If you can get her to let you see past her ‘poker face’, though, she’s got a hidden depth of character.

She can be tough to read at first, and anyone who went on first impressions alone might be put off by her. However, she isn't one for first impressions herself, and once she decides she likes someone, she's the sort that would take a bullet or jump in front of a speeding train for them.

The girl is SMART. She loves puzzels, and mysteries and, well... breaking curses! She doesn't mind hard work, actually enjoys studying, and can lose herself in the pages of a book (she loves suspense novels!) just as easily as she can snap her fingers.

Physical Description: Very wavy, long thick dark brown hair. Medium skin toned, with freckles if she’s been in the sun too long. Hazel eyes & a tall, slim build, she stands at about 5’9” tall. Smallish bones, lean but built muscles, and very long legs (all the better for running!). She weighs in at about 118 lbs, and likes to keep it that way. She's not much of one for cosmetics, but she does love dark eye makeup if she's going out, and she's never without a nice lip balm. Her nails, however, are always kept short, and if she's nervous, she bites them. Julia consistantly has at least one cut, scrap, or bruise on her body, and she still bears a long jagged scar on her abdomen from a counter-curse gone wrong accident! She has two tattoos (care to guess where/what of?), and besides her ears being peirced her belly button is as well.
Preferred Body Model: Evangeline Lilly

Hobbies and talents: She has a very quick witted, keen intelligence and a penchant for languages, both written and spoken.

Weaknesses: She’s really not a good dancer, nor is she artistically inclined. In addition, she’s arrogant. She’s knows she’s smart and has a tendency to rub it in people’s faces, especially if she thinks they’re getting on a high horse with her. Impatience and an over-stimulated sense of curiosity round off her shortcomings.

Areas of Magical Expertise: Arithmancy, DADA
Areas of Magical Weakness: Herbology, History of Magic

Broom (if applicable): (N/A...though she's not afraid to fly at all and loves anything that goes fast and makes her heart race!
Wand: 13” Black Walnut with hair from male unicorn as its core

Alignment: She’s 100% anti-Voldemort, but is not outspoken about where her allegiance lies (at least unless you know her well, or the situation calls for it).

Comment with backstory ideas here, please!

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