Jul 04, 2006 16:29
There is a Fourth of July "Twilight Zone" marathon on Sci-Fi that I happened to stumble upon. The episode that I watched was of an elderly man that wanted to get a younger body, so he and his wife went to an office where they could get his new body. There were people on display that showed what they could look like and it was kinda like shoe shopping, but with human bodies. In order to get a younger body to replace his old, aching body, he needed $10,000 so he played polker to get the other $5,000. Long story short, after he had undergone surgery and came out to his wife, she looked deep into his eyes and basically started to weep and freak out because he wasn't the same man (both intellectually and literally).
My question was, "What if that were really possible?" What if people could REALLY switch bodies like that? I mean, I know that there is plastic surgery and other procedures that allow people to "improve" their bodies, but to get a WHOLE NEW BODY?! And not just any body, a totally better and (seemingly) perfect body?! That would be hot, but scary at the same time. Is that even possible though? A few weeks back I made an entry about a woman from France who had someone else's face used as her face after her dog mauled off hers, but can someone get a whole new body?
If it is possible, I know that there would be so many issues to make it right. First of all, it would cost a whole HEAP of money because it is a whole body, and not just an arm, a leg, or an ear or something else so small. Second, the two bodies would have to match so well because of issues with the different blood types. (What about DNA then?) Third, where would the bodies come from? Would they be from individuals who donated their bodies to science or from graveyards, like Victor Frankenstein used in "Frankenstein"? Man, there are so many questions.
Well, nowadays, I do not doubt the lengths that science and medicine can go to because recently I have been reading about and watching some serious new breakthroughs in modern medicine. Anyhoo, these were just some of my thoughts about the episode I just watched.
(It just started raining. Wow!)
What kind of body would I get? Hmm...I would probably get one that is fit and toned, real sleek and sexy, size 6, 135 lbs, that would get all the guys turning their heads on the street when they see me!!!! YEAH, RIGHT!!!! I wouldn't get a new body or any part of my body unless I had to because I like my body just the way it is. If it comes to me needing to improve it, I will just exercise. There is no harm in exercise unless I OD and hurt myself, which I never have done and won't do. I like who I am, all 5' 7 1/2" of me, even though I am not fully toned. I don't need a new body because I love the one I have.
What if it were possible?
Happy Independence Day to all my fellow U.S. citizens! (lol)