Judging By Covers...

Jun 06, 2006 00:22

I went to a conference at the Crowne Plaza Hotel near LaGuardia Airport this evening. It was really cool because I met up with Elisa, a Korean girl from New Jersey who I met on Christmas Day 2005. She does Gospel rap and also attends my school. Is that cool or what?! I think it's cool that she can rap! Don't knock her...she is pretty cool. I like her a lot. Well, long story short...don't judge a person or people because they are different from you. I personally think that it is the differences in life that help make it more enjoyable and profitable because that way, everyone learns from the next person. Her friends were so cool, too. They were laidback and so relaxed. I felt like family, as though I knew them for 5 years, and it was the first time I met every one except her! I like to meet new people because it expands my social circle and helps to improve my social skills. If all my friends were like me (black or Jamaican) that would get annoying after a while. I like to have people that I can identify with, but I cannot be around them all the time and say that they are my only friends, do you know what I mean?

Anyhow, I am both hungry and very sleepy, two things that I do not like to be. I am sooo hungry and I am very tired. Oh yeah, today I got a jerk chicken pattie from "Cravins" on Ditmars Blvd. (I think) in Queens. That was NOT chicken! That had to be the most different chicken I have ever eaten! That was weird! (LOL) What is messed up is that that was my first attempt to eat a jerk chicken pattie and it was NASTY!!! There were no other stores around, except for a supermarket and two bodegas. lol

Well, I am out. Peace.
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