Jun 03, 2006 15:17
Today is just one of those days that just goes by so slowly that you wonder if you are really awake. For the past few days I have been waking up earlier, getting up while it is early morning (such as 7:45 am or 8:40 am), as opposed to my usual: 11:30 am or 12 noon. I feel that waking up earlier has been a benefit for me because I am training my body to wake up early again so that it will be easier for me to get up when I start working. Besides that, it is an opportunity for me to sit back and reflect.
Well, today I have been awake since 7:15. My friend called me this morning because she was on her way to take the SATs at Truman High School on Baychester Avenue, near Co-op City. Mind you, she had to be there at 7:45 and she lives in the South Bronx. Well, she called me to keep her company for a bit and I was like, "Okay." Sometimes, when I get called early in the morning, I can go back to sleep. No, not this morning.
I was trying to go back to sleep, but I heard EVERY, SINGLE noise known unto man! lol I heard the water running as people brushed their teeth, the noise as my brother watched Saturday morning cartoons, and all this other stuff. It was so annoying because I was really tired, but just couldn't go back to sleep. sigh
Time was just going so slow. It was only 11:30 and I thought it was like 3 in the afternoon. When my brother and I were watching, "House of Flying Daggers", I could have thought it was 4 in the afternoon. lol I guess it's just because of the rain. I don't know.
Well, I wanna leave or take a walk or something. I COULD be getting ready to go somewhere and meet my friends for 5, but I would have to take my brother and I KNOW he does not want to get dressed up formally. He's like that. Well, we shall see.
Man, it's just one of dem days!!!