Mar 12, 2005 14:25
Apparently during the four hours I was at rehearsal, a lot happened. I get home, "Hey Mom, ready?". We had talked about getting costumes for South Pacific, and maybe grabbing something to eat when I got home. I was a little rattled after rehearsal (I should be immune to angry bald directors by now) but a tranquil afternoon was not to be. My grandmother called this morning, and Bandit (her dog) has cancer. Grammy's still in a lot of pain from an accident this summer, and she was stressed out from their recent move. So Mom up and left, taking Lilly and Eliot with her to Vermont for the rest of the weekend. It's rather random to get home and find out that you weren't going to lunch, because your mother is in a different state. Well, I have an essay to write, my underground submissions to edit, and a few other things to be accomplished before seeing Footloose at JD tonight.