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May 08, 2022 12:21

первые покупки и первые отзывы на Ярмарке Мастеров.
моя давняя многоразовая покупательница с Этси из Массачусетса написала вчера:

"My beautiful cardigan arrived today. I positively love it. It feels rich and luxurious. I love it. The colors all mixed together make it unique. I go out in the yard early each morning with my dog. Sometimes it is necessary to wear a sweater. Guess which one I will wear? Thank you ever so much, Julia. I found you just in time on Etsy before the company’s dreadful decision. I look at your shop site every few days. I will keep looking."

thank you, Paula!

Ярмарка Мастеров, мелкая моторика

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