Jun 13, 2004 11:57
Well, haven't updated since Friday, but I haven't gotten to write about my Friday, Saturday, or Sunday!
Let's see... Friday... I chilled around the house, chatted with Thomas, and went to work around 6PM. Got there, loaded for about an hour until our supervisor came in and told us that there was no power for the laser show and the show was cancelled! She then told us that we would have to stay until 9PM and load stuff. EWW! Then she said, "So, who wants to go ahead and go home? I can send four people home." YEA, I definitely volunteered to go home. So, left the Glow Shack around 7PM, walked over to the Candy Shop to see if Betsy was working (she wasn't), then I went up to the Ticket Plaza to see if Chelle was working, and she was! I hadn't seen her all summer! So, she got off work and we decided that we should do something. I went home, she called me, and we decided that I would meet her at her house, and we would drive together over to Kat's house. It was good to see Berry people! The only Berry people I have SEEN this summer was Thomas and the SOAR leaders! It was really great to catch up with both of the girls... it was just a nice time to hang out with them. Came home, totally wired, and chatted with Thomas for a while (it's our ritual to chat before bed...), and went to bed (ready to wake up "early" Saturday!)
I woke up around 10:45AM on Saturday (hey, that's pretty early for me!), finished a scholarship application and mailed it off, picked up some pics from Wal-mart, went to Northlake Mall with my mom, ate lunch there, came home and quickly changed to go the MP Aquatic Center. DANG, it was so crowded, but we got to swim some laps. The water felt SO good... it was WAY too hot yesterday! After swimming, got ready to go to work, went to work around 5:30PM. It was a good night at work... had a fun time chatting with co-workers, and John came to visit me at my post. We sold a good amount of Glow stuff, too... although I thought it was gonna storm any minute... We also had a crazy guy come up and try to get a discount on Glow stuff. He basically was trying to make it our faults that the Glow stuff was so expensive/cheap and that we are using little kids to make a profit. He's right. He argued like a lawyer, too. But he was still wrong in trying to take advantage of us and get a discount. I hate jerks like that. I was gonna hang out with the "crew" after work, but I realized that I had to pack for my week of SOAR, so I declined the invite. Came home, packed, chatted with Thomas... about some AMAZING memories from MS and HS... heh heh... and went to bed.
Woke up around 8:50AM to go to Sunday School this morning. I absolutely love my SS class! It's the first time I have actually enjoyed waking up early to go to SS. Mrs. Dennison is such a positive and strong woman in Christ-it's always very encouraging. We talked about a lot of stuff today... we definitely got off track a bit, but it was all interrelated. Our main focus was Rahab, a prostitute whose story is told in the book of Joshua, and how she is part of Christ's linneage. The biggest thing that stuck out to me about our discussion this morning was our debate over environment VS. genetics. When we become Christians, God is an "umbrella" over our enviro and genetics and alters our enviro and genetics by giving us things such as a new personality. We started talking about alcoholism... what is it? Genetic? Environmental? I definitely think it's one of both. It's pre-disposed in many people, but people don't HAVE to drink. Mrs. Dennison said, "If I had a family with a long line of problems with alcoholism, I wouldn't touch a drop. Why would you do that??" That statement just stuck out in my mind a lot. Ryan and his fam was behind me when I left church today... and he txt'd me and told me the way he could tell it was me was my "car and hair". LOL.
Going up to Berry! We have two SOAR sessions AND I get to see Thomas. The SOAR leaders may even go to 6 FLAGS! I'm about to explode with excitement! I'll update in about a week or so. TOOTLES!