fall out boy = godly

Aug 04, 2005 10:52

“I’m having another episode, I just need a stronger dose”

Wow it’s already almost been a week since I got home, and I still haven’t updated.  I’m seriously slacking off here. Haha

I Ludington was amazing.

We spent almost every single day on the beach.  It was so relaxing, just what I needed to get away from all the drama back at this shitty place.  I wish I could have stayed longer, even though there were the exceptional few I really missed.

Top 5 best quotes. .
                      I <3 Darcy

·          eww what’s that smell.. darcy close your legs!

·          If these guys come to my school, first I’m going to pee my pants, then I’m going to invite you!

·          WHO ARE YOU?!

·          eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee…

·          owwwww, Jules are you kidding me, what’d you break now?!

Hmm.. well we got home on Friday  and I didn’t do much,  Lauren and Zach stopped by to say hello.  Saturday was crazy.  Lots of fun though! I got to hang out with Tatchio and Justin whom I haven’t seen like all summer, and really missed! Haha it was good times, as always.  Sunday ended up just having a movie night with Laur, which coincided of me falling asleep literally 2 minutes into the movie and not waking up the whole time. Haha sorry Laur! Monday was okay.  I got to hang out with Leigh whom I also missed.  We went up to putt-putt to see everyone, then to Jon’s house for a surprise visit.  Probably the highlight of my night was the story we found that he wrote in like 2nd grade! Hahah! Lmao!  After that we went bowling with Chyna.  It was fun.  Tuesday was probably one of the worst days ever! Just a lot a shit went down…  so I called the two people I can always count on to cheer me up.. Darc and Laur.  Haha we actually had so much fun.  We hung out with Josh and Billy for a while then went to taco bell cause we were being fat.  They friken got rid of crunch wraps! What BS is that?! Hopefully they’ll be back though. Anyways.. last night was another well needed fun night! I love meg!! I missed hanging out with her! After we went swimming here, we went to Tay’s and hung out with Chanti, and Laura.  It was good times! I haven’t hung with like any of them since summer started and I missed them!  After that we went to Tatch’s to go swimming.  Even thought we didn’t swim haha.  Everyone was there, Joe, Timmy, Tatch, Taya, Lindsay, Jess, Raylin, Redmond, and Mike.  I think that’s all?  I don’t know, but Timmy got this idea to go to Troll bridge, so we did.  Scary as hell!  Haha but still fun.  After me and meg just cuddled up at her house and talked about everything.  I love that girl!

Not much planned for today - working at 3 - visitors welcome J

YLove always, J

B invited me up north with her this weekend, but I have to work! Shittyy L
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