Apr 14, 2009 17:28
Why am I easily the most indecisive person in the world!!!
I'm fed up as I can't decide whether to buy a treadmill that is on offer til midnight! It's half price and a really good one. My reason to buy is to try and get a bit fitter, as I know I will never go to a gym. Plus my constant eating, especially of chocolate that needs to be counter balanced by some exercise! My reasons against are that it is expensive even at half price, and the main one is that it weighs 69 kilos. I'm worried about trying to move it as I know I wouldn't be able to. This is when I need a man!!! lol. I doubt I will get it, but it's still on my mind.
I went shopping this afternoon to get some clothes and things for the house. I came back with nothing! Again I stood for ages looking and trying to decide. I thought I had made up my mind on a rug but I then saw two others I liked. I'm not meant to be (shop) alone, I just get myself stressed at my inabilty to make my mind up.
I had said that a changed me was coming this year, but I have to admit the indecisive thing is a bugger to conquer!
My Dyson hoover doesn't work! I phoned the help desk and was embarrassed when the man said have you been regularly washing the filter! This is another of my faults, lol. I don't read instructions much and hadn't washed it once in two years! Anyway I'm hoping this is all that is wrong as I can't afford another one!
My cat killed a beautiful little dove pigeon that was one of a pair that used to sit on my fence and preen themselves! I'm mad as they were so sweet together. The one left just sits there looking sad. I'm stupid about animals, lol.
I wonder if Deb will reply, as she said my entries make her giddy! and I hope Laura is happy too, lol. ;-p Even if I am writing drivel!
Hope you all had a lovely Easter and ate loads of chocolate like me!