Dec 08, 2006 02:29
beth and i had a good convo tonight. i love beth. she's a high school senior now. basically, she wants to be a christian and committed to god, but she doesn't know why, and doesn't see the point. she's just been raised to be a "christian" without a purpose. she isn't passionate about god, and doesn't see what makes christianity so special as a religion. she feels like she needs to get her life together before coming to the lord. she kept saying how she just messes up and sets a bad example. she is a smart girl but is just very confused about following the rules of religion/having a genuine relationship with the living god. she just admitted a lot about her past to her youth leader tonight, and unfortunately was repremanded for it. i am proud of her for even having the courage to do so. i encouraged her just to talk to god about whatever she is dealing with, whatever she is thinking. my heart goes out to her and i pray that god will reveal all that she needs to know. if you guys would say a prayer for her that would be great.
p.s. she is coming to mvnu next year as a brand new freshman and i cannot wait =)