Mar 22, 2005 22:02
day = steffie, julie, brad ====library, fun times...
steffie, julie, mary--v.s.--timmy, jordan, sam ========everywhere also fun times..
library, my house.. library.. pretty much sums it up....
first we went to git n go then we went to jordans and met up with him and sam and then played 2 on 2 with sam and jordan and me and mary. Then we went to timmys and fooled around there and i TWISTED MY ANKLE.. owwwwieeEE! hurts mucho bad! lol well then we went back to git n go and they buoght things and then we hung out in the street for a long while then we purswaded them to go to the park and hung out there.. fun fun.. then we went bakc to marys and i came home.. ankle hurt bad..still does... ouchie!!!
<3 <3 peace out <3 <3