Mar 01, 2005 20:48
deadlyxkissz: ..*slow motion playback*...suuugarrr..tasttinng..looogiee..hocking...asss..facceee...freeloader....
xcherriexchicax: assface freeloader? :'(:'(
deadlyxkissz: not u
deadlyxkissz: ..*leans in and whispers*...its for the invisible monkeys...they're watching you..stop! DONT MOVE!
deadlyxkissz: they attack when you move..
xcherriexchicax: i guess i moved to type *ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh scrames ahahhhhhhhhh scrreams*
xcherriexchicax: AHHH
xcherriexchicax: THEY
xcherriexchicax: ARE
xcherriexchicax: RIPPING
xcherriexchicax: MY
xcherriexchicax: HAIR
xcherriexchicax: OUT
xcherriexchicax: STRAND
xcherriexchicax: BY
xcherriexchicax: STRAND
deadlyxkissz: they're only rotten bananas! QUICK! GET A; BANANA!
deadlyxkissz: BANANA!
xcherriexchicax: okayokay okay okay ive got only IRPE ONES!?!?!!!
xcherriexchicax: ripe*
xcherriexchicax: AHHHHH OH NO.. WHAT OD I DO?!
deadlyxkissz: ...COLOR IT WITH A BLACK SHARPEE...they dont have to know its ripe...
xcherriexchicax: OK OK OK
xcherriexchicax: HOLD ON
deadlyxkissz: YAY! you defeated the evil lemonade smelling monkeys. they are no longer a menace to you. its my pleasure to work with such a fine assisstant. *twirls hand and walks gracefully out of room*
xcherriexchicax: *(calls after you* wait.. my love.. please dont drift away, you are my hero, you saved me from the terrible lemondade smelling and drinking monkeys an dyou also saved my hair, it thanks you so, please dont twirl away into the darkness *gets on neeze and crawls after you crying*
deadlyxkissz: *stops and slowly turns around* But my love. My darling, My sweet little Belgian Waffle...I must go..My time has come..I must go defeat the evil pissing donkeys..(those jackass's...) I will return. Some day...I will think of you from afar...*echos*...*disappears in thin air*
xcherriexchicax: *cries hystarically* *sobs* *raises hands and arms to sky and buggs eyes out while screaming to the celing* WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!!!!! *gets up and cries on desk and wishes to be where the pissing monkeys were *POOF* out pop fairy god parents that grant my wish and set me under a plant of pissing monkeys* *gets covered in piss, no one in sight*
deadlyxkissz: *looks through a portal at my dear belgian waffle and laughs hysterically* I hope she remembered i said...pissing DONKEYS..
xcherriexchicax: *cries and bawls* *rolls into feeetle position and secretley wishes for a hero to save me*
deadlyxkissz: *gets covered in piss* damnit you JACKASS! *goes through portal to go save my waffle.* My darling! How glad I am to see that you are alive! I will save you!
xcherriexchicax: *superman theme song plays*
xcherriexchicax: *as you lift me out of the pissing Donkey plant and raises me high into the sky*
deadlyxkissz: *drops you and walks away* I don't like Belgian waffles anymore... *Walks to England* How about an English muffin? yeah...English Muffin... *end of story*
i love being such a dork :)
look at steffies LJ for the description of the convo... its very itnresting.. WE ROCK!