Silly Season is in full swing at the moment.
A ton of concerts at numerous places with a ton of children having a rare ol' time. And to be honest, so am I! Loving the job, loving the working towards performances in their many varied forms.
Yesterday I was at the Special School that I work at and World War III broke out.
The day started fairly okay, lesson obs for the bloke I work with - he did well, lesson a success (setting up the PA for a 'live' rehearsal). The PA set up, we then rehearsed for the forthcoming afternoon concert, again going well.
Slight deviation and hassle surrounding one of the Year groups...but nowt we couldn't handle.
Then we discovered that the marauding horde of children roaming the school (not unusual) had stuffed a chair through a glass viewing panel on a door showering the bloke technician guy with glass...then they proceeded to visit each and every room including ours.
They nicked off with a Bass amp - displaying the level of intelligence, it's bleedin heavy! So we get over all this hassle and start moving stuff into the hall for the Xmas concert/ gig. completely set up, fairly balanced, jobs a good un. There are children riding around on the chair trolley that shouldn't...wall displays being 'whipped' down with lengths of rubber (from ?!) but all fairly ordinary.
I'm noting the time..getting later and later to fit every thing in to start on of the little angels sets the fire alarm off just as the police arrive to escort them off the premises and to take them home in the police car!!
We all trail outside in the snow and ice and make the decision that it'll have to be post-poned. My rather talented drummer lad (J...16, 6'2" - he's a big lad) loses it completely at the sheer frustration and autistic hassle of it all and begins showering the hall with the chairs!!
Did feel sorry for him to be fair...
So that was a day!
But went out to take the
Small Monstrosity (do click it!) to Cubs last night and he got his
first badge! 'Fitness challenge!' Wa and hey! However this is a double edged blade as The Boss is distinctly unimpressed as she has all the sewing on of badges to do!!
He's only just started and gets invested next week, looking forward to it!
Little Mini is going okay...has needed the Battery Charger start once this week and a jump from one of my neighbour friends another day. Think i may invest in
one of these... comes recommended and is cheap at that price.
The Ol' Man recommended a quick winter fix. the door handles are completely metal, a rarity these days. Well of course doesn't help on these frosty cold mornings as the lock and push button freeze solid! So he suggested this...
thats pipe lagging! Works a treat. Stick it on when I get in of a night and it's fine for the next morning!
Got one ukulele concert tomorrow afternoon, then a run after work with a friend, which I'm loving. Running with company is great, and he's quite quick so its a decent run as well! the weekend brings a haircut and not sure what else?!
Hope you're all well and surviving the weather, wherever you are!?