Jan 21, 2004 16:05
Well today was very uneventful. Some good news, I did vocal testing after school and I actually think I did well! I messed up on the song a little... but other then that it went well. And I actually got the hard listening stuff in the end! Yay!
I am at work and bored... my braid came out... :( I am trying to re-braid my own hair... and it isn't working... I am frusterated. I also have to read my book tonight, well start it. The thing that will get me through this is that I am seeing Ryan tonight. Finally. I cannot wait.
I was kinda in a bad mood at the end of the day... I don't really know why. Well I do, but I don't know why I was feeling that way. I guess I have been extra sensitive lately. I think I have issues with guys relating to trust and jelousy. What a great combo. Oh well... I will get through it, I always do.
I really can't wait until tonight... I need this... You know that feeling when you're just feeling rejected. I hate that word. It is so harsh.
But anyways, tonight will be good. I missed him. I just need that comfort.