: - )

Jan 19, 2005 14:54

What it is hoe? Wassup?

Ha....anyways, hey peopleee.. I haven't updated in a while but now I am!

So I've been sick for who knows how long? Since Thursday? Stuffy nose, sore throat, clogged ears, post-nasal drip. OH YEAH! All that sick stuff :-( But I went to the doc yesterday so it should be just fine in a couple days.

Anyways I had one of the best weekends I've had in a while, well yeah, I guess you could say that. Went to Gainesville with Michael and Kelly and stayed at Kelly's boyfriend, Drew's , appartment. It was a pretty good-sized appartment at Santa Fe. Two big bedrooms, a kitchen and a TV room. We got there Saturday afternoon and went out to eat at this amazing sushi restaurant, Dragonfly, and waited an hour an a half in the freezing weather! But it was worth it. Then we went to some kid's appartment where SOMEBODY did a two-story beer funnel, wow. impressive. It was cool to see how college kids really are. I mean those kids stay up late!! they do everything late. It just made me realize how much I need to be responsible once I go to college, because nobody's babysitting you anymore. Then I met up with my good friend , Ashley Weimer, who graduated last year and now goes to UF, which was nice because I acutally hadn't seen her in a good six months or so. Then Monday we met Erin and Gina at thier dorm which was SO CUTE, by the way, and had lunch with them and their roommate Jessica at this really good BBQ place. Yeah, basically I havent been able to stop eating since this weekend. Big problem. Ohwell, anyhow, it was a wonderful weekend and very well-needed.


fuckin' physics honors ( which I'm trying with all my might to switch out of)

fuckin' AP English

fuckin' AP Government

fuckin' AP Calculus


So it sucks, yo.

Schoolwork just gets harder and harder to do! True story man. Ohwell. I'm excited for the rest of this year and thank god for that panoramic pic today during Weatherly. What a life saver. I'm going to read my novel now. The one that was supposed to already be read? Yeah.

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