And she kisses him all hot and stuff...

Jan 09, 2005 09:48

Hey people! I know I never update but it doesn't matter, my journal sucks haha. Anyways-this color is pretty.

So I've had a great week. Not stressful, even though school sucks I don't even really think about it until Sunday. This weekend was fun. There was a retarded party in Ockeechobee on Friday night that was the biggest waste of a drive I've ever experienced. ohwell. Yesterday I went to Islands of much fun . Dueling dragons? I acutally like the blue one better contrary to popular belief. Today I have to do my work and other stuff too. I need new runnign shoes. I designed some on but I don't have the money. I keep spending it on things....<3

SO this week is the last week of this semester. Sweet. My next semester's even harder than this one. Awesome. I dunno, maybe this semester I'll exert some effort into my schoolwork. Who knows.

That's all-I apologize for these posts. I'll probably just stop writing shortly haha.

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