Things my future home absolutely positively needs:

Aug 12, 2007 18:30

-built in bookcases. Many of them. Enough for all of my books and hopefully all of my cd's and dvd's as well.

-might as well say a library with comfy chairs and afghans. Not sure why I see those things going together, but I do.

-a bay window. I think those things are pretty nifty and I could see myself with a book curled up on the bench with a little rainbow sun-catcher making patterns on the book and floor.

-hardwood floors. I had them in the apartment and I loved it dearly.

-most likely a larger LCD television, but not crazy big. I'm guessing around 30 inches. No need for cable since I don't watch television and really don't see that changing soon.

-an awesome sound system with a five disc changer.

-at least three pieces of art. Not really sure of what, but I know I want some. There was this really cool collage at Funky Findz when it was in Rib Mountain but it either got sold or didn't make the trip to its new location by the Mint.

-fun colored walls. At least one orange room.

Most of these things can be added to any house, but it would be awesome if it was already built like that I didn't have to do any work. But I probably would anyways. I guess I would also like to have someone to share the house with. And hopefully she would want the same things I want too.

I think I have been blogging more on myspace recently. Not sure why. And because I am on a list making spree, things I don't like on cars:

-nascar stickers.

-confederate flags.

-Calvin pissing on a type of car that is different than the vehicle it is on.

-marriage is between one man and one woman bumper stickers.

-twenty of those flags for different causes. One is okay, two is acceptable. But when you have one for every cause out there, that is too much. Way too much.

-anything relating to George Dubya. Unless it is saying he is a dumbass.

I am keeping my car very simple; it only has the equality symbol sticker I got from the Human Rights Campaign. And that is probably all it will have.
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