Jun 27, 2007 21:56
I am really looking forward to this weekend. Buckets of family time, swimming, karaoke, walking in the woods, campfires, and being around people I love and who love me. I could use some of that.
I have no idea when the last time I wrote was, but I'll just start off with somethings that I don't think I talked about. For starters, I finally got to see Jess in a non-work setting. She cleans up nice. Diane was leaving us and she had a going away party at Kelly Club. I thought that Tuesday was her last day, but it was actually Wednesday. So I went into work on Wednesday to return Bucky to Sue and to find out where Diane was going for drinks. I went in about a little before 11 so I could find Diane and ask her and have time to print off some pictures before Sue went on break at 11am. She is like clockwork. Only that day she was running behind schedule. About ten after 11am, there was still no sign of Sue and I saw Pam walk outside, so I went outside and was going to have her put Bucky back in the cage and when I rounded the corner, Jess was there. So I chatted with her, showed her a picture of Kendra, and then eventually Sue came outside and we chatted. I'm starting to be a little bit more talkative around other people. Sue convinced me to take Bucky to Planorama, so I had to pack for him. So I came home and cleaned my room up since I wasn't sure where Wendy was sleeping and I wanted to have some semblance of order in my room. I ended up losing track of time and showing up fashionably late. There were a few surprise people there, like Jess and Marika, and the regular players I was expecting. But overall it was a good time. I spent most of the time talking to either Jess or Marika. Marika was playing one of those gambling machines and she said, oh I bet they won't all end up the same and I said they would, and she bet me $20 and it happened and she actually gave me $20. Granted, she won $150 but it was still pretty cool to win free money.
Last Thursday and Friday was Planorama at the new store opening up in Fitchburg in a few weeks. I went down there with Wendy and we met the rest of the people there. It was funny, we were standing in line to check in and I saw Carla through the window and she saw me, and we did the usual thing whenever we see each other- wave our arms around and say, "Is that you Carla, it's me, Julie" and point to the name tag. I'm not even sure when this started to happen, but I'm glad that it has. We both got funny looks. Especially since we couldn't hear each other and I'm sure we were both saying the things out-loud. Instead of working with the other people from the store, I got shipped off to the electronics and entertainment area to help out. I got a little lonely, especially since I don't talk much to people I don't know. We quit work around 6pm and went to the hotel and changed and met in the hotel bar for a drink to decide dinner. OH WAIT UP! I forgot the room drama! So two of the eight of us had to share a room with a stranger. I was one of the stranger ones. I wasn't too happy about it, but I figure I'll deal with it, I did bring Bucky with. He would protect me. About an hour after we received our room assignments, I hear my name overhead to go to the front lanes. I get up there and my "roommate" is telling me that she is the only one from her store and that she doesn't want to share a room and that she should be at the Baymont and not the Howard Johnsons. I asked her if she talked to someone who can actually control these things and she said no. What the hell? She was hoping that I could work something out with my people so that I wouldn't be in the room. Whatever. At this point, I didn't want to see her anymore. I asked Wendy and Diane if I could share a room with them, and they said okay.
So after we were having a drink, we were talking about where to go to dinner. I was leaning towards Biagie's since it was super close to our hotel. Lori wanted to go to Great Dane. I've never been and I really had no desire to go there. I really didn't care that much, so I agreed to the Great Dane. We had to take two cars- I got Carla, Wendy and Diane. So we were listening to the bartenders directions and we got lost. He said four lefts and a right. Carla and I were both thinking we would go around the block, end up where we started, then go across the street. So we got the four lefts, and we missed the right turn somehow. We remembered him saying something about the strip mall, but not quite sure what about it. We found the strip mall, and then the next main street we could find, we hung a right. There was a video store and some other stores and we saw a rent a cop, so Carla ran out of the car to ask him where the Great Dane was. He didn't know where it was. So we just decided to go to Biagie's and we had an excellent time. I'm so happy with who was in my car. The other car, I couldn't have dealt with. It really didn't help matters that after a while, Carla and I were looking for Greyhound because we knew it was a dog.
We got back on Friday and then I had to close last weekend. Saturday night I come into work and Nicole is telling me all the things that went wrong on Friday- there was a cashier call in, the photo lab person called in, no cart attendant, etc and then she was like, oh, something else happened.... oh, Walter quit. WHAT? I would think that would be one of the first things to say went wrong in that litany. Good times. I didn't really like him that much and he really wasn't good at his job, so not too many people are sad to see him go. Jess almost did a little jig when she found out. Sunday I had to shut down photo, something I haven't done in over a year. It went okay, I did all the stuff, and I tried to do as many films as I could.
Then this week has been going by smoothly. Monday and Tuesday were fine, today I mowed the lawn, shaved my legs in preparation for this weekend in which I am heading up north and going swimming! I had some iced tea and lunch and then sister called me and I met her and munchkin for Bingo. Good times. I cannot wait for Friday. Seriously. I'm going to go to my bookstore Saturday morning, check out the flea market, swim, eat an insane amount of jello and just have a great time. I'll have to pick up a six or twelve pack on the way up. Or maybe just a bottle and a mixer. I hope Dee will be there! I haven't seen her in forever! Okay, so maybe it's only been a year. But it seems like a lot longer. I love this time of year.