(no subject)

Dec 14, 2007 17:07

Hey, guys!

Okay, so my journal is Friends Only... but thats just because I get kinda personal on here, and I feel like it's somewhat of an obligation to my parents (who would kill me if they found out I have online friends or pretty much even an LJ in general)    I mean, if I'm already breaking that rule, this is the least I can do...  besides, if you dont know me you probably wouldnt want to read my (most likely obnoxious) daily rants/musings all of the time, anyway ('daily' is actually an understatement... I often post multiple times a day... because I regularly choose to update here than do my homework. yay procrastination!)

But ANYWAY, comment if you want to be added! If I know you somewhat decently, I'll most likely accept.

Oh, and if we were friends before, but I deleted you during a friends cut or something and you still want to be on here, pleaseeeee comment! I probably only cut you because you weren't around on LJ when I posted telling everyone to let me know if they wanted to stay.

Okay... well thats about it. Thanks, you guys! <3
