from wordpress

May 07, 2008 23:20

So I’m feeling kinda stressed out right now. I’m at work, of course, after all it is 10:13 in the AM on a weekday. Work seems to be piling up around me. I have this huge project going on that should have been done months ago, but it’s taking much longer than I or my boss expected. Most of it is still sitting in piles around my desk because the scanner is acting up and may have to get serviced. Like foot high piles. After all this is taken care of, still have to shred it all. The shredder is not that big. Have to empty it every 5 minutes it seems.

Talking with Eric (boss) today. He keeps asking: Do you have a car yet? When do you graduate? How much time do you need to get your freelance business off the ground? Do you want to work more hours when you’re done with school? Do you want to take on doing the admin work for another whole company? How much money does a graphic designer out of school make a year? How’s the brochure and logos coming along?

Do you ever stop asking questions?

I dont think he does. He’s a laid back kinda guy. But I’ve been falling behind at work. I know I need to get more done. My body feels tired. My teeth and armpit hurt today. I’ve realized that bad food makes me feel bad. I’ve been craving good food. That’s great news! Still tired. Still falling asleep at work. He’s got me twice now. In two days. I’m feeling horrible. Stressed. More and more to do.

Pressure to get my resume and business card done. Eric’s already giving out info that he knows a graphic designer that can do things in his crowd. Could mean business from professional people. Not ready. Not at all ready. Are you ever ready? Business cards at least mean sort of ready. What’s my symbol? What defines me? Contemplative. Transitional. Scared of change? Perhaps. Blue is my best friend. Must use blue. Get out of your box J. Find a personality. I hate tablespoons. That’s not a personality, that’s a quirk you idiot.

Do not sink in the hole of buried can’ts. Must.

Still tired.
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