Farenheit 9/11

Jun 25, 2004 23:40

So, today between his work and my work, Alex and I went to see 'Farenheit 9/11'.


You all KNOW I don't like our "President". You all know I'm a cynic, and I never believe a word the government says.

Well, now I know WHY.

F9/11 was the most moving, disturbing, educational, darkly funny and flat-out illuminating movie I have EVER seen.

Sometimes I couldn't look at the screen, or even listen to the soundtrack (the moments of black screen when we heard 9/11 happening again... the footage of LITTLE CHILDREN DYING in Iraq... BECAUSE OF US).

Sometimes it made me laugh (Britney 'The Slut' Spears, "We should trust our leaders...").

Sometimes it made me cry (the objections of African-American Congresspeople to the 'election' of Bush, and no Senator would back them up... the patriotic, proud mother of a son in Iraq... who writes to her 2 weeks before he is killed that he has no idea what he is doing there, and she loses it).

Sometimes it made me sick (the HUGE business ties between the Bushes and the Bin Ladens).

But what it really made me do was think.

How did we let this happen?

How could we let ourselves be as blinded as we were in Vietnam? In Korea? With Watergate?

How could we impeach a man who let some intern suck him off, and not impeach a man who has sent our YOUNG PEOPLE to be killed... for OIL and BUSINESS?

How is any of this legal?

How does any of this make any kind of sense and how in the HELL did people not stop it?

Most of all...


Just why?

I used to love this country. I used to be proud to be an American. I used to think that maybe we COULD help everyone.

Any of those feelings I had left have been completely shattered after the past four years, and especially this film.

I thought I knew I was being lied to.

I just didn't know how much.

And I'm angry. I'm hurt. And I'm really, really fucking PISSED OFF that these people represent me.

Go see 'Farenheit 9/11'.

I don't care what your political leanings are.

You'll learn something.

You'll think.

It'll be good for you.

And I'm leaving this public.

Go ahead, Bush, sic the FBI on me.

I dare you.
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