Gusmas Drabbles

Jan 02, 2011 21:43

So the incredible xie_xie_xie ran a drabble event at qaf_drabbles on IJ> 37 Days of Gusmas raised money for The Trevor Project by offering a daily prompt from Thanksgiving to New Year's Day. An amazing amount of money was raised through a variety of challenges, THIS POST gives a breakdown of all the money raised.

My contribution was 41 drabbles. Included are my usual mix of pairings and ratings. I hope you find a few you will enjoy.

Title: Happy Fucking Thanksgiving
Prompt: Thanksgiving (5 Drabbles)

Justin flew in the night before Thanksgiving. Between the crowds and increased security, just navigating the airport pissed him off. Then a storm temporarily grounded all flights, and the delay lasted three times as long as his flight.

By the time he finally landed in Pittsburgh, Justin was ready to kill someone. Brian was waiting impatiently outside the security gates, but took one look at him, pulled him into the nearest bathroom and sucked him off.

While they were washing their hands, a middle aged businessman eyed them nervously before slipping Justin a twenty and gesturing to an empty stall.

“You should have considered it,” Brian teased on the way home. “It would have covered some of the ridiculous parking fee I incurred waiting for you to finally show up.”

“Bite me,” Justin shot back. “It’s not like I was the one on me knees back there.”

“Hey, before you get all indignant over being mistaken for a hustler, keep in mind the fucker thought I had to pay for it.”

Brian looked so appalled at the idea that Justin started laughing. Brian reached for his hand and squeezed, laughing with him, and the trip felt less like a disaster.

The next day, they made it to Debbie’s just in time for the annual “The Turkey Won’t Brown” crisis. While Emmett, Michael, and Debbie argued loudly over the best solution, Blake quietly stepped in, fussed with the oven temperature and some foil. He would later share an amused look with Ted over everyone’s amazement when a perfectly browned turkey emerged from the oven.

Carl stood outside the kitchen shaking his head. He poured Brian a scotch which Brian decided made up for his insistence on watching football. At least he’d finally given up discussing the game with anyone but Emmett.

Dinner was a mix of Debbie’s traditional Thanksgiving dishes and Emmett’s more creative contributions. So they had cranberry pomegranate terrine with their turkey and a choice between the turkey stuffing and a wild rice and goat cheese dressing. Somehow it worked, and no one walked away hungry.

Jennifer brought desert and a sullen Molly who sat through dinner with her arms crossed over her chest, refusing to speak expect to say she’d rather be at her boyfriend’s. Jennifer glared at her, but Debbie just rolled her eyes and piled more food on Molly’s plate. Justin found the whole thing hysterical.

After dinner Carl and Emmett fell asleep on the couch watching the late game. Michael and Ted cleared the table while talking with Ben and Blake about Blake’s psychology classes.

Debbie and Jennifer fussed over Justin until Brian couldn’t take it anymore and interrupted with the story of their airport encounter. Justin blushed when Molly finally smiled and Debbie insisted he was worth more than twenty dollars. Hunter argued that twenty was generous then offered to show Brian what a true professional was worth. They both knew he didn’t mean it, but he couldn’t resist provoking Michael’s very predictable overreaction.

Title: On the Double
Prompt: Emergency

“Well?” Brian appeared in the doorway looking impatient and pissed.

“When you told me to get my ass down to Kinnetik, I thought it was for hot office sex not because the fucking art department ate bad shrimp and didn’t finish the boards.”

“Stop complaining. Diva Pets will be here in,” Brian made a show of looking at his watch “fifty-six minutes. Are you done?”

Justin held the completed board up.

Brian eyed it critically. “Not bad. How long will it take to make the font bolder and offset the graphic?”

“Ten minutes.”

“That leaves forty-six minutes for your reward.”

Title: The Sound of Silence
Prompt: Make a wish
Notes: This one is full of angst. Sorry. Title is from the Simon and Garfunkel song

Brian didn’t believe in God or angels or anyone but himself. He hadn’t for a very long time.

But holding Justin’s bleeding body, he prayed, bargained and wished harder than he ever had before. Then he begged and pleaded, finally resorting to pathetic threats that meant nothing.

Out of words, he sat silently, straining to hear the faint sounds of Justin’s breathing. Time slowed and stretched into an eternity. Brian felt his improbable chance at happiness slipping away; Justin paying the price as Brian was judged and found wanting.

He waited, certain his final “Please, God,” fell on deaf ears.

Title:Morning Surprise
Prompt: A matter of trust

Justin woke up hard, like he always did even when he didn’t spend the night at Brian’s. Still half-asleep, he moved closer to Brian, rubbing his cock against his ass.

“You going to do something with that?” Brian asked.

Justin’s eyes flew open and his hips rocked forward. He fucked guys, lots of guys, but just the thought of fucking Brian. . . “Can I?” he asked breathlessly.

“I sure as fuck hope so.”

Brian laughed a little, pushed back against Justin’s cock and threw a condom over his shoulder. Justin caught it, so turned on he forgot all about being nervous.

Title: The Best Revenge
Prompt: Far from home

His first month in Pittsburgh, all Emmett thought about was making enough money to get to New York. He’d become a famous designer or a Tony award winning actor or something equally fabulous. Then he’d sweep into Hazelhurst in his private jet decked out in haute couture and dripping with diamonds, too busy taking calls from Liza and Barbara to answer questions about his amazing life.

But months turned into years, and he didn’t leave. He met Ted and Michael and fell in and out of love a hundred times. He wasn’t famous or rich, but he found his home.

Title: Belonging
Prompt: Hanukkah

Melanie rarely saw her family, and that was fine with her. Lindsay and the kids were all the family she needed.

She only felt alone at Hanukkah. Lindsay tried, but she didn’t understand, and the kids preferred Christmas.

The first year Hanukkah and Christmas overlapped, they arrived at Debbie’s to see a huge Menorah lighting the window opposite the Christmas tree. Debbie handed her a dreidel and bag of chocolate coins. Melanie hadn’t played in years, but soon everyone was laughing and playing, drinking wine and making up rules. Ben won the most coins, but Melanie felt like the winner.

Title: And They Fucked Happily Ever After
Prompt: A goodnight story

Justin folded his pillow in half, turned over three times and kicked off the blanket.

“What the fuck?” Brian grumbled. “Settle down and go to sleep.”

“I can’t sleep; that’s the problem.”

“What do you want me to do about it? Tell you a bedtime story?”


Brian rolled his eyes. “Once upon a time, Rage was trying to sleep before a busy day of saving Gayopolis, but JT kept waking him up. Finally Rage blindfolded him, tied him to the bed and fucked him until he was exhausted.”

“Good story, but I’ll sleep better if we act it out.”

Title: On Her Own
Prompt: Tree photos

Jennifer hated raking leaves. Raking had always been Craig’s job, then, later, Justin’s. It would be a few years before she could pass the chore onto Molly so it became her responsibility. Independence had come with so many new responsibilities.

She’d loved the trees at their old house. She and Craig had carved their initials in the big oak, and later she added Justin and Molly’s names. Every Christmas, she wove lights throughout their branches, and in the summer, she sat in their shade and watched her children play.

These trees held no memories. But they had plenty of leaves.

Title: A Better Man
Prompt: Easy for you to say

“I’m breaking up with Marcus,” Emmett announced as he slid into the booth.

“It’s about time. You can do a lot better,” Ted replied.

“That’s easy for you to say. You have Blake.” Emmett sighed dramatically. “I’m going to be alone, again.”

Ted reached for Emmett’s hand. “It’s easy for me to say because I know how incredible you are, as a friend and a lover. You deserve someone who will love and appreciate you, who will cherish you. Don’t settle for less.”

Emmett saw the regret in Ted’s eyes and squeezed his hand. “Teddy, you say the sweetest things.”

Title: Necessary Sacrifice
Prompt: An accident

The first time Brian’s flight to New York was canceled due to weather, he decided to drive rather than cancel the trip. He hadn’t fucked Justin in two months, and he wasn’t going to let a little storm stop him.

An hour into the trip, he knew he’d made a mistake. Between the wind and the slick roads, he could barely control the Corvette. Several hours of white-knuckled driving later, he finally made it.

After hours spent worrying, pacing, and imagining horrific accidents, Justin went off on him instead of getting him off.

Brian sold the Corvette the next morning.

Title: Santa's Mistake
Prompt: Xylophone picture

JR banged happily away on the xylophone “Santa” had brought her.

“You know Debbie,” Melanie yelled over the noise. “I was thinking we should leave some toys here for when she visits.”

“Whatever you say, honey.” Debbie nodded distractedly and went back to harmonizing with JR’s maracas.

“But Mel, look how much she loves it. You wouldn’t want to leave it behind.” Brian smiled innocently. “She really should practice every day.”

Melanie rubbed her eyes and flipped him off. “It that thing makes it back to Canada, Gus is bringing a drum set the next time he stays with you.”

Title: Stepping In
Prompt: Red roses

The flowers were a bright splash of red against the snow, and Debbie smiled when she saw them.

“I guess Rodney’s been here. He’s coming to dinner on Christmas Eve; I insisted. You don’t have to worry about him, little brother. I’ll always take care of him. Not as good as you of course, but I do my best. He’s says my braciola is better than yours. I know he’s lying, but he means well.”

Debbie laughed; it was forced, but it was the best she could do.

“He’s a good man, Vic. I wish you’d had more time together.”

Title: First Christmas
Prompt: Teddy bear picture

Michael couldn’t help going overboard during Hunter’s first Christmas with them. Even though Hunter didn’t like to talk about his past, Michael knew Christmas had never been a magical time for him. His heart broke when Hunter admitted he knew stopped believing in Santa Claus the year the only thing he asked for was a teddy bear, and he didn’t even get that.

Michael glanced nervously from huge pile of presents under the tree to the teddy bear stuffed in Hunter’s stocking. “He’s going to hate it, isn’t he?”

Ben wrapped his arms around Michael. “We’ll blame it on Santa.”

Title: Checking It Twice
Prompt: Shopping

Jennifer couldn’t stand the thought of going to one more store, but she still needed a present for Brian. He was impossible to buy for. She was tired of spending a fortune on ties she could never be sure he liked, and even Brian only needed so many bottles of scotch.

Then she remembered a sketchbook of Justin’s Debbie had given her. Jennifer only looked through it a few times. Justin’s art had changed so much; it hurt to think about what could have been.

She framed a sketch of Brian reading, so obviously drawn with love. It was perfect.

Title: Debbie's Man
Prompt: Mistletoe

Carl was rather fond of the mistletoe over their bed. Not that he and Debbie needed any encouragement; they might be past their prime, but they went at it like newlyweds.

He loved the extra kisses he got saying goodbye under the mistletoe in the doorway.

It was the mistletoe in the kitchen he worried about since everyone ended up crowded in Debbie’s kitchen. His first kiss from Michael was awkward, but Carl took in stride. By New Year’s, while Ted froze in fear standing under the mistletoe with him, Carl just rolled his eyes and planted one on him.

Title: Visions of Sugarplums
Prompt: Angel Wings

Babylon was a winter wonderland. Glittery snow fell from the ceiling, dusting the bar and dance floor. Angels, halos shining and feathers from their wings trailing through the snow, moved through the crowd passing out Santa hats and jingle bells. Mistletoe hung every few feet, alternating with giant ornaments. White lights on frosted Christmas trees pulsed in time to the holiday dance tunes blaring from the speakers.

“Holy shit,” Justin breathed when they walked in. “I know you gave Emmett carte blanche, but wow.”

Brian pinched the bridge of his nose, headache already forming. “What the fuck was I thinking?”

Title: Taste Test
Prompt: Finger Food

“Mmmm,” Drew took the mushroom from Emmett, briefly sucking the tips of his fingers into his mouth as well.

“Do you like it?” Emmett asked.

“Delicious,” Drew’s eyes never left Emmett’s face. “What’s in the filling, again?”

“Artichokes, Parmesan and Asiago cheese. You don’t think there was too much garlic?”

“Maybe I should try another one?” Drew guided Emmett’s hand to his mouth. He swept the mushroom into his mouth then slowly licked the melted butter from Emmett’s fingers.

Emmett swallowed hard. “Well?”

“Why don’t you taste for yourself,” Drew said with a wink before leaning in and kissing Emmett.

Title: Coming Home
Prompt: Home for the holidays

“Debbie threatened my remaining ball if I didn’t find out when you’re coming home for Christmas. Apparently she’s planning a tree trimming party.”

“I’m not coming back for Christmas,” Justin answered after a long silence.

“Okay,” Brian dragged the word out, but didn’t ask for an explanation. “But you have to tell her.”

“Brian,” Justin said with a mix of exasperation and amusement. “You’re supposed to ask why.”

“Why?” Brian rolled his eyes.

“Because I’m not leaving after Thanksgiving.”

“Debbie will be thrilled to hear that,” Brian fought to keep his voice even.

“She better not be the only one.”

Title: Fun and Games
Prompt: Batteries not included

Brian pushed the didlo the rest of the way in and sat back, admiring the way it looked, stetching Justin’s hole, filling him. Brian watched as Justin’s skin flushed, and he arched his back, tugging unconsciously at his bonds while adjusting to the feel of the dildo.

“Fucking move it,” Justin ground out when Brian made no move to touch him.

Brian smiled and began lazily stroking his own cock. “Sorry, Sunshine, I’m a little busy right now. Next time request one that vibrates if you’re going to be so impatient.”

“Next time, your ass is mine.”

Brian just laughed.

Title: Do Unto Others
Prompt: Baby, It’s Cold Outside

Hunter rushed from the diner to the bus stop. He couldn’t believe how cold it had gotten since his shift start eight hours ago.

He was just about to enter the shelter when a teenage boy stepped close to him.

“Can I warm you up while you wait?” he leered.

“Not interested.” Hunter turned away, but he couldn’t ignore how thin the hustler was, how he was shivering with only a worn sweatshirt on.

“Here take this,” Hunter shrugged off his jacket, leaving his tips in the pocket. The bus would be there soon, and Ben had an extra coat.

Title: Sounds of the Season
Prompt: A Christmas Carol

Brian was in the middle of bitching out the moron who thought “cute and cuddly” was an acceptable approach to advertising when he heard it.

The faint sound of bells had Brian shaking his head wondering if he was more hung over than he realized. Then he heard voices singing a horribly off-key version of “Jingle Bells.”

As the singing got louder, Brian realized the majority of Kinnetik’s staff was walking through the hallway in Santa hats fucking caroling.

“Cynthia!” Brian bellowed into the intercom as “Jingle Bells” became “Sleigh Ride.”

No answer, but Cynthia waved when she passed by.

Title: A New Tradition
Prompt: What have you done today to feel proud

Emmett flipped the switch and watched the tree light up. “Ta Da! What do you think?” he asked eagerly.

Debbie stared at the tree, tears shining in her eyes.

She’d listen to him agonize over whether to choose a real tree or a winter white artificial, ad patiently debated the merits of art deco versus Renaissance ornament schemes.

Then one day she showed up at his condo with pesto penne and several boxes. “These are some of Vic’s ornaments,” she explained. “We both have so many; I know he’d love for you use them.”

Debbie squeezed his hand. “It’s perfect.”

Title: Moving Forward
Prompt: University of Pittsburgh photo

“They want an answer tomorrow. Am I saying yes?”

“I don’t know.” Ben seemed excited, but Michael wasn’t sure. “You love Carnegie Mellon.”

“I do, but this is a great opportunity. Carnegie Mellon’s a liberal school, but some of the administration isn’t. They’ve made it clear I won’t be advancing no matter how popular my classes are.”

“You didn’t tell me that!” Michael interrupted angrily.

“It doesn’t matter,” Ben said calmly. “University of Pittsburgh is a good school, and their giving me a lot of latitude in designing my curriculum.”

“Dean Bruckner,” Michael smiled. “I like the sound of that.”

Title: Unwelcome Reminder
Prompt: Fathers and Sons

“Kinney,” Brian grabbed the phone and kept working.


“Mother,” Brian winced.

“There will be a mass for your father on Sunday. I thought you might want to come.”

“Little late for that. He’s been in the ground for over ten years.”

“Don’t be vulgar,” Joan snapped. “The mass is to commemorate his life. Claire and the boys will be there.”

“I know you’re dunk, but you must be high as well,” Brian laughed. “There’s not a damn thing about dear old Dad’s life worth commemorating except perhaps his death.”

The only response was the sound of the dial tone.

Title: Surprise!
Prompt: A phone call

“I’m getting married!” Daphne practically shrieked over the phone.

“Wow, Daph. That’s”

“Sudden? Crazy? Romantic?” Daphne interrupted. “I know! And it’s only been six months, but I’m sure, positively, completely sure.”

“I was going to say wonderful,” Justin spoke quickly when Daphne paused to breathe.

“Oh,” Daphne sounded disappointed. “Do you mind if I practice the rest of my speech? I don’t think my parents will take it so well.”

“Ummm, Daphne,” Justin stopped her several minutes later. “You might want to leave out the part about multiple orgasms.”

“Just wanted to make sure you were still listening,” Daphne giggled.

Title: Distant Dawn
Prompt: Solstice

“You’re quiet tonight.” Ted said as he came to stand behind Blake.

Blake leaned back against Ted but didn’t turn away from the window. “It’s the longest night of the year. All the darkness, the cold, it brings back memories.

Feeling Blake shiver, Ted wrapped his arms around him. “I’ve been told Solstice is also a time of renewal, a new beginning. So let’s light a fire and make some new memories.”

Blake laughed and turned around to kiss Ted. “I love you even when you’re corny. You start the fire, and I’ll make hot chocolate.”

“Don’t forget the marshmallows!”

Title: First of Many
Prompt: A moment of truth

“Well? What do you think?” Melanie asked.

“I’m not sure.” Lindsay cocked her head to the left. “Step closer to the light.”

Melanie sighed, but did as Lindsay asked.

“Oh, yeah,” Lindsay said with a chuckle. “It’s definitely grey.”

“God damn it.” Melanie yanked out the offending strand of hair. “Fuck, that hurt. The worst part is I can’t even blame Brian.”

“If it makes you feel any better, Justin told me Brian found his first six months ago.”

“Serves him right,” Melanie grumbled. “I wonder if it was on his head.”

“Mel!” Lindsay gasped before dissolving into uncontrollable laughter.

Title: No Exactly a Secret
Prompt: Unexpected Guests

“Mother Taylor! What a surprise,” Brian’s voice dripped with sarcasm.

“Brian, I heard Justin was in town so I thought”

“Jennifer,” Debbie waved from the couch where she and Daphne had Justin cornered. “Justin was just telling us about all the celebrities he’s seen.”

“Would you like a drink?”

Jennifer shook her head, but Brian continued to the bar. “More for me.”

Later, Justin snuck away to join Brian and made a desperate grab for his drink.

Brian snatched it away. “You’re on your own. The next time you’re here for a weekend visit, don’t stop at the fucking diner.”

Title: The Adult Version
Prompt: Christmas Eve

“Debbie wants to know if we’re stopping by on Christmas Eve,” Justin yelled over the shower.

“Are you kidding?” Brian turned off the water and stepped out. “We have Christmas morning at Mikey’s with the munchers, the kids and Debbie, then lunch at your mother’s, followed by dinner at Debbie’s with every fag she can fit in her house. If I’m going to survive that, we’re spending every minute of Christmas Eve fucking and getting drunk.”

“So we’re not going to Midnight Mass?” Justin smirked.

“The only worship I plan to take part in involves my cock and your ass.”

Title: Sleeping In
Prompt: Christmas Day

“Mel, wake up,” Lindsay shook her wife.

“What’s wrong?”

“It’s Christmas.”

“Oh, fuck,” Melanie sat up. “Did we forget the stockings or to eat Santa’s cookies?”

When Lindsay didn’t say anything, Melanie rubbed her eyes and realized it was light out. “Where the fuck are the kids? They didn’t sneak down and open their gifts, did they?”

“No.” Lindsay stopped Melanie before she could get up. “I checked; they’re still sleeping.”

“Oh, good.” Melanie snuggled under the blankets and reached for Lindsay. “Go back to sleep.”

Lindsay rested her head on Melanie’s chest and sighed, “They’re not babies any more.”

Title: There’s Big Money in Greeting Cards
Prompt: Kwanzaa

“How come they didn’t have Kwanzaa when we were kids?” Michael asked when a commercial filled with several celebrities offering a variety of holiday wishes came on.

“They did.”

“No, they didn’t,” Michael insisted. “Someone invented it a few years ago.”

“Mikey,” Brian looked at him like he was crazy. “No one ‘invented’ Kwanzaa.”

“So how come I never heard of it.”

“Because it was just another obscure holiday taking up space on your calendar until some fucking brilliant ad executive realized it was a goldmine of untapped marketing potential.”

“You mean like Sweetest Day?”

“Never underestimate the niche markets.”

Title: It Never Gets Easier
Prompt: Words are cheap

“Three fucking years,” Debbie stared at the marker and blinked back tears.

“Every day, Vic, every day I miss you and love you, and I’ll never stop being sorry for the things I said.”

Debbie wiped her eyes. “You to know I’m taking care of Rodney and the guys at Grassi House, don’t you? And because you were right about what I needed, I’m loving Carl like I was so afraid to before and trying to let Michael have his own life. I do it for both of us because all the ‘I’m sorry’s in the world don’t matter now.”

Title: Just One Stop
Prompt: Photo of Pittsburgh

Brian pressed his forehead against the window as the plane began its descent. He never thought he’d be so happy to see fucking Pittsburgh.

After days of personal indignities and medical procedures, he’d wanted to run from John Hopkins, but all he could manage was a slow walk. It had taken every bit of his pride just to keep from limping.

Finally, he was home. He wished he’d taken a cab to the airport because he didn’t have the energy to drive. All he wanted was a drink and his bed.

But first there was someone he needed to see.

Title: Wisdom Comes Cheap
Prompt: Fortune Cookies

“Come on Emmet, read it,” Michael urged.

“And don’t forget ‘in bed,’” Ted added.

“That’s a stupid tradition,” Emmett made a face. “What happens when you get ‘Before success comes many failures,’ or ‘If at first you don’t succeed?’”

“If the fortune cookie fits,” Brian smirked.

Emmett threw his cookie at him, but then smiled. “Ohhh, maybe there is something to this. ‘Your talents are great and varied,’” he read.

“Hand it over, Honeycutt. That one’s mine.”

“Sorry, Brian, looks like you stuck with,” Emmett grabbed Brian’s fortune and read it. “‘You walk your path alone.’”

“In bed,” everyone chorused.

Title: Worth the Price
Prompt: “It wouldn’t be New Year’s if I didn’t have regrets.” ` William Thomas

Ted accepted the sparkling cider Debbie handed him as midnight approached. He took a sip and made a face.

“Too sweet?” Blake asked, sipping his own cider.

“It’s not champagne I miss; it’s the choice,” Ted sighed.

“You still have a choice, Ted, and you make the right one every day you stay clean.”

“Do you ever stop wishing it never happened?”

“Not really.” Blake never lied to Ted. “But I love our life and who I am today. Every choice brought me here, and while it’s not the journey I would have chosen, I’m pretty happy with the destination.”

Title: Ringing in the New Year
Prompt: New Year’s Eve

“You could be in Times Square right now.”

“With a million screaming people, freezing my ass off and trying to catch a glimpse of some stupid ball. No thanks.” Justin shuddered, sinking lower on Brian’s cock and making Brian gasp. Justin stretched his arm back and stroked Brian’s testicles. “I have all the balls I need right here.”

Brian laughed, thrusting his hips up and pushing deeper into Justin. “Don’t worry, Sunshine, you won’t miss the fireworks.” Brian thrust up again.

“Shut up and fuck me,” Justin laughed before leaning down and kissing Brian just as the clock struck midnight.

Title: This Year I’m Going To. . .
Prompt: New Year’s Day

“So what are your resolutions, boys?” Debbie asked as she handed out their breakfasts.

“I’m going to stop worry so much.”

“Good luck with that one, Mikey,” Brian rolled his eyes.

“I’m going to find a way to go back to school,” Blake added.

“That’s wonderful; let me know if I can help.” Ben smiled at Blake. “I want to use mediation more regularly.”

“I’m going to add more flair to my events.”

“More flair?” Ted stared at Emmett.

“You can never be too fabulous,” Emmett shrugged. “What about you Brian?”

Brian raised a brow. “You can’t improve on perfection.”
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