Jun 25, 2001 16:06
Well I just changed around next fall's schedule to make it more feasable for me to work and save money for the next semester. Here's how it is now:
M/W/F 8:30-9:20
Physical Math. Borrowed the books from Goldbug, so I hope they're still using the same books! I hope linear algebra helps me here.
M/W/F 9:30-10:20
History of Science to Newton
I'll be taking this with Logan, for Letters history credit (which I currently have none of). Dunno what to expect from it.
M/W/F 10:30-11:20
Electricity & Magnetism 1
SCARY. Taking this because Physical Mechanics really sucked my work schedule, but I'm deathly afraid of this class. I was never good at E&M before and this class is supposed to be hard. I'll be taking it with Karen, which will be good I hope. Also emailed the prof a few minutes ago asking her what math I need to review before the class (Brendan warned me). Might be a big Juldea Stressmaker in a few months.
T/R 10:30-12:00
German Conversation and Composition
Not the German class I wanted to take, but maybe I'll speak it better after I'm done. I hope there's not a lot of writing, but it does have composition in the title...
The math and E&M class will finish a physics minor for me. The others are for Letters.
Oh, it'll be 12 hours, for those who care.