Standard fine text applies: this is someone else's words, not mine; I agree with much of what they are saying, but not all, and not every nuance of how they say it; this is directed at/covers certain people who make certain claims, and not the entirety of a religious group; I'm probably preaching to the crowd; etc etc.
Christians have convinced
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The OP is just plain wrong here with their supporting arguments. There are more churches per capita because Christianity has been the prevailing religion in the US for the last 200 years. The OP suggests that this is the case because "mostly because when other religions seek permits, they must prove they are a legitimate religion, but if they're a Christian denomination they are automatically granted the permit" which is only a valid point when you're talking about the church of self. Not only that, but UU (and some similar organizations) churches are called churches. They'd fall into the OP's mischaracterization of Christianity in this point, but if you've ever been to one, even as an atheist or whatever, you'd know they aren't Christian organizations.
Assertion 5. "Christians can be Christians at work"
Again, this is this concept of mainstream Christianity. I can give you personal examples of being mocked at work at my current job because I won't do things with the people at work - strip clubs, excessive drinking, and continuous gossip would top the list. I can give you personal examples of a friend of mine who was nearly fired because during "sharing time" (which was instituted by the company to produce diversity in the workplace) he preached the Gospel during his turn. Not only was he nearly fired, but he has gained the disdain of many coworkers.
Assertion 6. "Christians get Permits"
Once again, it seems the OP is using this "Privilege, not persecution" mantra to complain about the fact that *their* religion isn't "governmentally recognized". Let's see. Judaism. Islam. Buddhism. Taoism. Hinduis. Shinto. All of these organizations can obtain the same status legally as the Christian church without having to prove anything about the validity of their faith.
Assertion 7. "Christians can camp"
Anyone can reserve a public camp ground for any reason. The permit process isn't tied to a religion. I'm not even sure where they're going here.
Assertion 8. "Religious business"
I refer to my previous point made by someone else. Lack of persecution != privilege.
Assertion 9. "Christians get chaplains"
Now the OP is just talking out his rear. They don't know what they're talking about. I have a friend who is a chaplain in the military. He is mandated to learn about the other religions and required by his atheistic superior to be a supportive "religious person" who can not enforce their own faith unless it is the same faith as the soldier going to him. He isn't expected to know everything about every religion, but he is to be tolerant and equally supportive, at least at face value, of every belief system.
Assertion 10. "Christians can get married by whoever"
? Maybe it's just a Massachusetts thing that a friend of ours got a 1 day license to marry two other friends of ours? I don't think his religion (he's an atheist I think) had anything to do with it.
The OP made additions to the entry you are referring to after your post.
Assertion 11. "Christians got businesses closed on their special day"
Yeah. So do the Jews. How is this a Christian thing?
Assertion 12. "Non-Christian kids need to know about Christianity. If you don't raise your kid as a Christian it's child abuse"
This person must live in the Bible Belt or something. It's easier to refute a point if you have a clue where it came from. This isn't even remotely true anywhere I went to school. In fact, a woman just got arrested for child abuse in Britain for preaching the gospel to her daughter. I preach the gospel to my daughter. Am I next? I spank her too. Where are the shackles?
Assertion 13. Full quote on this one - "When Christians have children and raise them Christian, they encourage their children to share their activities with their friends, family, neighbors. Parents of minority religions school their children in silence so the children won't be taunted and harassed and teased and beaten by not only Christian children but by Christian adults, and pushed to the point of suicide."
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