SCA dance practice / Wednesday nights / miscellanea

Oct 15, 2008 22:50

Tonight I went to SCA dance practice for the first time in about three years. While I had a good time, I don't see myself going back regularly. Due to the nature of the beast, it's still the same dances taught at the lowest-common-denominator level, and that doesn't capture my interest. The social aspect is good, but doesn't make up for the lack of interest otherwise. I did see some very nice people I hadn't seen in a very long time, though, and got some hugs and scratches and rubs in good ways. Yay people.

This leaves the option now of what to do with my Wednesday nights. jmspencer will not be running another D&D game, and AFAIK neither will londo. SCA dance isn't enough to be my regular commitment. So what could be? I do feel like I want something regularly social on my one free weeknight.

Things I'm interested in:
  • Gaming - finding another tabletop group maybe?
  • Dancing - either finding a bellydance class that meets Wed nights, or even some other form of dance, given the ability to scale the teaching to my level
  • Music making - joining a band/orchestra/choir
  • Crafting - a knitting circle, sewing class, etc
  • Flying - but I don't have the money now to take lessons, so that's moot
  • Learning - take some form of community/adult learning course?

    Any ideas? Alternately it may be possible to rework my schedule at work to make another night my early night, OR I could just scrap the idea of an early weeknight entirely and work the entire week 12-8. So, options. Many options. And probably I shouldn't be making any decisions right now anyway. But still, thinking!

    In other news, I have finally read The Strange Tale of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and thoroughly enjoyed it. Thanks, alexx_kay!
  • social whoring, books

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