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Aug 23, 2007 20:50

Well, what an August it's been! First of all, we went to the Finger Lakes the first weekend in August with our best friends, to stay at a B & B for several nights, drink a lot of nice wine and good beer, and eat a lot of excellent (although quite pricey lol) food. Very nice way to start the month.

As I was getting ready for Vacation Bible School the week of the 13th, I finally heard back from my son's high school, where I had applied for the part time band director position that had opened up back in June - I hadn't heard anything all summer about it, and assumed that they had offered it to someone else, or had not been able to justify it due to lack of enrollment. Imagine my surprise when the principal called me on the 9th to offer me the job! Starting on the 29th!! Eeek! But yes, I said yes and am busily preparing to start the new job next week, as band director for 17 kids playing an assortment of instruments. It's quite exciting, especially since this is my first time teaching/leading such a group! Whoo hoo!

Then my birthday on the 15th - the day itself was nothing too exciting. I mean, 51 is a bit of a let down after hitting 50 last year. But hubby and son took me to one of my favorite restaurants for a lovely dinner, replete with wine. I taught Vacation Bible School on that day, and didn't get much of a celebration on the 15th - they made up for it the following day, though, with a cupcake with a candle in it, everyone there singing "Happy Birthday" to me, and all the kids and leaders signing a card for me. So that was really nice. Hubby bought me a new digital camera - I'm having fun learning how to use it lol.

And then off to the Philadelphia Folk Festival with Donna Hebert and Jane Rothfield and their band Groovemama - we worked with the kids in the Great Groove Band. I was really glad to be there, as we had a young alto sax player who would not have had the chance to play if I had not been there to transpose the music for her. Really earned my keep for the weekend ;-) I had such a good time hanging with Donna and Janie and the others.
Just a great time, lots of great playing for the two contra dances at which Groovemama played, lots of laughing and fun, great work by the kids in the Great Groove Band, and just a really wonderful weekend with people I enjoy so much.

Now I am back to reality and getting ready for next week's classes. I think I'm in pretty good shape - still need some questions answered, but I am working on that aspect of things. Have to finish getting the boy ready as well - I think he is looking forward to going back. Hard to believe that summer is almost over ::sigh::

Hope all of you are well.
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