May 26, 2005 07:39

Well, I have to get this off my chest first...

I may personally go after JJ Abrams if he has killed Vaughan (or WHATEVER his real name is) off!!! I had this really bad feeling that Vaughan might die, but to leave it hanging like that, with him having just started divulging his secrets to Sydney, and then that car slamming into their car... well, I am STILL sputtering after a night's sleep!! Damn!! I actually had a visceral reaction to that scene, like I'd been hit by a car myself. Okay, rant over.

Just read that my buddies calove and gamiila have tickets to go to see JM in London in October, along with bogwitch and hesadevil. :sigh: Good for them, but I am a bit jealous.

More later.
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