Well, now Angel has had its 100th episode -
First of all, those last few minutes between Angel and Cordelia had me really, really choked up. What a shocker! And I walked around feeling bummed out the remainder of the night. I am upset that she died. Actually, I accidentally saw something last week in another LJ, that said something about Cordelia dying, but didn't say how. I didn't look anywhere else to confirm that statement, but I have to admit, I was wondering if she was going to die during the confrontation with Lindsay. I really felt bad for both Angel and Cordy in that final scene.
Lindsay! Whoa! Christian Kane must be working out, because he looked pretty darn good shirtless! (Not as good as James, of course ;-) ) I hope this isn't the last we see of him. I still want to know if he was truly behind Spike's resurrection and recorporealization. But it was worth it to see Eve get her little patootie kicked out by the gang. And Cordy's "Lilah Junior"! Bwaahhh!!!
Vintage Cordelia throughout - and Charisma looked really, really good, don't you think? Although I could have done without so much of the open shirt cleavage she was showing - my hubby liked it though lol! And my husband called it right - Lindsay sicced Spike on Cordelia - he called that one just as soon as Lindsay was talking on the phone to Eve while he was at Spike's place. And you just knew, especially after we saw Cordelia and Angel with the video of the real Doyle, that the three of them (Angel, Cordelia and Spike) would compare notes and figure it out. Nice tribute to Glenn Quinn.
Quick trivia question - did you pick up what game Spike was playing on his game system? (answer below lol!)
Lorne's comment about peeing his pants after Gunn pulls the knife out! How funny was that?!
Did you catch the hot, hot look Fred gave Wesley while he was doing his spell to remove Lindsay's tats? Whoa! Could have melted the TV!
Harmony actually had more fun stuff to do - she got to beat the crap out of Eve! Go Harm!
How much longer until the whole Connor deal unravels and Angel has to face that? Cordelia hitting him with "You raped your friends' minds to wipe away Connor" or whatever it was she exactly said. Hmm, Angel, that's just another shoe waiting to clonk you in the head.
I'd say it was another strong episode - I still think I liked last week's better. And I am still bummed that Cordelia is gone for good.
answer to my trivia question - Spike was playing "Donkey Kong" ;-) I bet James loved that - he's a game geek, I think!
Okay, time to get moving - homeschoolers dance classed resume today, and I have errands to do before I go to play for the classes.
Have a great day!