Jan 30, 2004 13:47
Yippee! My computer is now fixed - two days after my last entry, my hard drive died (long story which I won't burden everyone with), and I purchased a refurbished drive from Dell, my computer's manufacturer. May I just say that I am very unhappy with Dell's technical service. Nuf said.
Anyway, I had a hard time with installing the new drive, so I had to take it to someone to fix. Plus, I hadn't backed up the old drive. Ever. Let that be a lesson, kiddies - make sure you back up your hard drive, and preferably, per my repairman, not to CD. He was able to get the computer up and running (turned out that not only did the hard drive have to be replaced, I also had a short in the CD drive, which caused problems with installing the new drive - so it wasn't just me!), got my operating system back on, and pointed me in the right direction to continue to get it back up. Yea rah!! He also was able to access the failed drive, so I could retrieve all my important data (read that as, my Spuffy fanfic, and my web site files for old clients, and stuff like that lol!). *Phew* I will be copying that all to zip disks ASAP.
I have been able to get online via my son's computer, but it's not the same thing, and it also curtailed when I could be on the computer, since it's in his room. Couldn't be on late at night, for example. But now I'll be able to again. Squee!!
Now, I just want to say that I really enjoyed the other night's AtS episode - I was spoiled for Spike's hands getting cut off, but I am unspoiled beyond the "Damage" episode. So please don't spoil me about anything lying ahead - thanks :-) I posted thoughts on several different forums and other people's LJs, and I'm too lazy to post those thoughts here, but essentially - I loved Andrew throughout this episode. Loved the references to "Storyteller". Hated the graphic violence of Dana with her bone saw, first with the orderlies in the hospital, with other people she encountered, and of course, with Spike. Very fitting that Angel saved Spike's life this time around, after Spike saved Angel last week. Keep the two balanced. Favorite part was the final conversation between Spike and Angel at the end - the poignancy of "We were innocent victims too, once upon a time" was fabulous, and the contrast between chaotic evil Spike and calculating, cold evil Angelus is so telling. Great back story about Buffy and the Scoobs. So Buffy and the gang no longer trust Angel and company, eh? Hmm. Really thought this episode was one of the best (and I didn't think I'd feel that way prior to the episode, knowing that spoiler about Spike.) BTW, I feel like I should write some sort of little drabble or something about Buffy coming to Spike while he's still there in the hospital. Hmm. Must mull that over.
Anywho, that's it for now. Still really, really cold here, but at least no more snow in the forecast for a while.