Sep 22, 2004 21:13
Hello everyone. It's been a while since I last updated but, I've been busy. Well first of all, school's going well. I play Volley Ball, and stuff. Anthony and I are totally over haha, he's such an asshole to me, sorry to everyone who warned me, and I didn't listen. Thanks though, for actually caring <33 - Anywho, haha today I got 8 dollars because I chugged a thing of ranch dressing mixed with Caramel =) It was funny stuff. And there's this kid named Brandon, Mm He's real cute ;) he has his lip pierced, and he's really cool. He had someone give me his number. lol. And then I saw him afterwards and he gave me his number. He's 17 I think. A cool kid. :) ehh, I miss everyone back in PA.<3 Love you guys. I'll post tomorrow if I can. I've been hanging with Stacie, Dom, Dannyyyy, and other people alot lately. Sooo, I duno if I'll be home tomrrow.<3 Later Haterrs :)
PS - I love you Chelsea Rea, and I miss you more than you knooooow =(