Er, hi. Is this thing still on?
I've been meaning to do this post since, oh, November 2008? Now I'm confused if this is the 2008 state of the me or the 2009 state of the me.
Aha: 2008-2009 state of the me!
So, the plan for 2008 was,
* Be back-pain-free by the end of the year.
* Major payrise and/or promotion. (Think like a man! OF COURSE you are entitled. Duh.)
* Clear the debt and keep it clear this time. Seriously, no part points on this one. It doesn't count if you don't keep it clear. >:[
* Cultivate zen aesthetic and get rid of all the accumulated possessions I don't need. (Except books and CDs. They don't count as shit, they count as precioussses. For 2008 at least.)
* Revive comatose social life now no longer ruining evenings with lectures and assignments.
* Sunscreen and moisturiser omg liek 4realz this time.
When the plan met reality...
* Back pain free - I was doing reasonably well until I moved, then it went to shit. Such is life. I made some really good progress but even before the move I wasn't pain free, and there were a lot more things I could have done. I'm now feeling a lot better and stronger but I am still doing the bad habits that get me in trouble (like writing LJ posts on the laptop in bed!) So I give myself a half mark on that one.
* Major payrise and/or promotion - Got a new job with more money. Got offered a payraise at old job to stay. Didn't stay. Then got a promotion at new job. Then got a new new job with even more money. Total win. Ladies, I cannot recommend enough that you go read
this post about negotiation for women because I'm telling you, it has made an enormous difference to how much money I bring home. I give myself the full point plus a freaking free extra bonus point for this one.
* Clear the debt - Nearly there! I didn't get rid of all of it but I didn't add any more either. Half mark.
* Zen aesthetic - Not bad! I got rid of a lot of stuff, and I think more importantly evolved my mindset about material possessions, which was key. However, moving house brought to my attention just how much more crap I had that I didn't know about, and a lot of it is still sitting in the garage waiting to be dealt with. So, I could go a lot further but I do give myself a full mark here for how far I came.
* Revive comatose social life - I could have done better in 2008 but in 2009 I'm already doing a lot better. I think this one is To Be Continued.
* Sunscreen and moisturise - pretty good. Didn't stick with it consistently enough but I think I did it well enough to earn half a point.
Out of six, that's four and a half points. That's a very solid mark, I say.
Other good bonuses from this year:
* gave up my car (although I am still unable to actually part with it in order to give to the wreckers. my poor rusty beat up baby, I just cannot let you go.)
* moved to where I can walk to and from work
* gave up dairy. (mostly.) (oh, feta, my love! I cannot part with you either!)
* got an iphone which has just MADE MY LIFE. Like, seriously, I'm so glad I was a young, working adult when the iPhone came out. It seriously compensates for being a young, working adult when the global economy and climate are going to shit. It's scary how much I love this thing.
2008 was promising to be a good year but it was overall a pretty shitty year, mainly because of quite a few things that looked good turned out to be horrible. That was the theme for 2008. Still, it really did have some good stuff in it.
The 2009 plan is:
Follow up from 2008:
* allgone debt
* sunscreen and moisturiser, consistently
* fully revive social life and hell, I'm probably due to add to it. make new friends. do new things. go to more places. have more fun. (FUN. I remember fun! Before working fulltime and studying part time ruined my life, I used to have it!)
* back pain free, consistently
New 2009 things:
* no more being bloated - this seems to mean no dairy (sigh) but also figuring out what else causes it and making it go away
* eat more environmentally consciously - less packaging, less processing, less meat, fruit and vegetables in season, sustainable seafood, and sustainable farming/harvesting/transporting/etc. There are a few quick wins here but I think this will take probably the whole year to evolve into.
* another payrise. hell, why not? no harm in trying. *g*
* submit a short story to the win-six-thousand-dollars competition, whatever it's actually called. I want that six thousand dollars! (see next point.)
* start saving a house deposit (or, more likely, a crummy unit deposit, but I gotta start somewhere *g*)
* daily walking, weekly yoga, and weekly something else, swimming or kayaking or something, that builds core strength.
So, that's the plan. Plan, meet reality: here we go!
Fannishly, much as I hate to admit it, writing and fannish interaction have to stay on the backburner, at least for the next few months. I'm reading and betaing in Merlin, and currently watching Leverage with much adoration.
However, one thing I'm going to try to do, with the emphasis on food above, and as I adjust to life without dairy, is do very quick posts when I make something yummy. Like
this morning, YUM.