Mar 23, 2004 13:17
Well I should be working before rehearsal but I decided to update isntead since its been like a year.
I just want to say that things are looking pretty good right now for me, in case anyone was wondering. Have a summer job, probable vacation planned, one summer class that only a week long!!, and plans to see all of my girls from MD a bunch this summer.
Oh, and im 21 on friday.
holy shit i cant wait.
the only way things could be better would be if my two research papers were magically done.
oh and if i magically had a boyfriend. that would be nice too. but once im 21, meeting STRAIGHT guys wont be hard at all!
birthday party plan:
Triumph...friday nite, all are invited to come!!!! pre-gaming and after-party at 84 demps.
thats all for now.