i think you've changed a lot since i last knew you well enough and we've kinda drifted apart some, which is not desirable, because i sure as hell want to know you better. but we're kind of like strangers in a sense, because all that i've got are some out-of-date memories that don't really make up who you are anymore. i don't know you deep down and sometimes even superficially, i know almost zilch about you. i know almost zero about your life, just all the stale news and stuff that comes leaking out through reading your lj and things that get passed on. but you're still someone i trust and someone i count on as a friend because i think you still put bajillions of truckloads' worth of importance on friendships that mean something to you. but even if the importance has slipped, you're still a friend and someone i still care about. you've changed, for the better, for the worse. you're more mature, and a whole lot wiser. but you need to learn to let things out, don't bottle up, it hurts more that way. (maybe you do let it out, but i just don't know, all the same, ) sometimes i don't get you, sometimes i feel like i've known you since forever. sometimes i don't know what to say to you when i'm reading your lj because it feels like you're so totally different like someone else and i wonder where have i been, to have not noticed anything at all. you're someone very different from who you once were, in a way, but you're still the same in some ways, you're like someone vaguely familiar that i can't really place in my memory because the you-you has always been floating at the edge of the not-so-you in the long ago i knew you, in some ways and in other ways, hello stranger. i know i'm kinda repeating myself here, but i think you'll get it. i still have your note and stars.
i still have your note and stars.
i think you know who i am.
you should, anyway.
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