
Sep 28, 2005 07:59

My coach confuses me. No matter how badly I do in a boat, or how pitiful I think my erg time is, I'm still in a boat. I always leave practice thinking "oh no, I'm going to be erging tomorrow." I never am. On Friday, my erg time SUCKED and on SaturdayI wasn't erging...he had me go in the launch. I thought I would be erging today, but he has me going ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

awwwwwwww elise! badly_drawn_grl September 29 2005, 21:02:00 UTC
we've had a few poor betty brainstorming session and jess and i keep saying, "well amy would have written this..." or "who'll replace elise with the quiz?!? no one CAN!" despite our nostalgia, we're hoping to get an issue out in 2 weeks, and we're recruiting a full-time web designer, so the web version should be updated. we miss you though!


Re: awwwwwwww elise! jukeboxgrad September 30 2005, 00:30:56 UTC
I miss Poor Betty! Save copies for me!!!!!!! I'm coming to visit Oct. 21st!


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