Summer is obviously coming to a close which does suck. I'm hopefully going to be doing stuff with a lot of people for the last couple of days to enjoy it. Brynn, Tanya, Jeriah and me were going to try and go up to CMU before school started but I doubt that will happen because it's coming up so soon. We'll hopefully go up there soon. Brynn is going to go to The Early November show with Tanya, Chelsea and me now and we were talking about getting a hotel, that'd be a good idea I think. I have no idea how I'll pull that lie off ahaha. It might work, who knows.
A couple days ago, Tanya, Chelsea and me went to the Lock Your Door show. It was really really good as per usuallll. It was good to see John again before he left for CMU that night. Us 3 girls might as well be the new merch girls for them, I mean c'mon we're so dope at it. ;D
Football game was good. Carmen is my new favorite person obv. :D
I really don't understand why some people hate me so much and give me such dirty looks. It's like always people that I've never talked to, ever. I don't get why people go out of their way to make other people feel akward or bad about stuff. Like, its easier to be nice to people rather than a jerk. Whatevvv though I guess. It was really good to see people I haven't seen in forever.
Yesterday I went to Tanya's as per usual, Brynn met us up at her house too and Jeriah and we all went to TDLP show in south lyon. It was a good show except for the fact that everyone there was like little kids and their parents hahaha. Oh well, still good.
All from Tanya's camera obviously haha.
zacks lmao oh god
hey cool tory, way to be bloated and fat that day
best everrr!
it looks like i'm going to have a freaking kid and my metal tat is dope
lmao i couldnt get up
Jeriah: "Well okay I guess guys, let me just show off my tattoo"
I've never seen a fish at a freaking playground hahahaha yes!
those were hard to walk on :[
this is still amazing even if its freaking blurry hahahaha
warriors obv
jamesie is metal!
even more metal!
oh man metal!
I guess people just love my eating habits and ways of eating.
Hang out with me before summer ends! :D