This is long. Shamelessly so. For as much as I like to flail over a pantsless House or Cuddy's boobs, this is my attempt at more thoughtful flailing. This is also the first time I'm posting this unlocked. Like I mentioned before, if you added me just for icons/caps, feel free to remove me. If you want to be added back, just comment!
- Okay, so -- I was so ecstatic over the Giants winning last night, I didn't get to sleep til around 5am. Had we gotten some House/Cuddy action (which seemed to be implied) that was originally planned, I think I might have died. SHORT STORY: AWESOME game, AWESOME victory, AWESOME episode.
- HEY COMA GUY! What's new? HEY CUDDY, WELCOME TO THE FIRST SCENE WHERE THE CREDITS WILL BE PLASTERED OVER YOU AND HOUSE. I perked up as soon as I saw her walk by outside of the room, though. I couldn't scramble enough when they teased right before the episode and actually SHOWED Cuddy.
- "You're a crazy person. The patient's a psychiatrist." ♥ I love how pleased Cuddy looks when she hooks him. And Lisa's hair, I loved that, too. (First Cuddy scenes clocks in at just under a minute. Wow, we're really getting somewhere now!)
- Since I recently watched an older ep with the whole, "We're not wearing the right shoes for *insert diagnosis here*" THAT'S what I was thinking of as House was shooting down the ideas during the ddx for not being any fun. Liked that Kutner actually brought something to the table during this ep. Yeah, I LOLed at "Excessive antarctic drilling: Bad for the environment and the ladies."
- My take on the BATTLE OF THE CENTURY: GET HOUSE CABLE: TPTB are still struggling to work in the original ducklings and keep them somewhat relevant. NOT quite working for me. Trying to break Cameron felt like it would usually be a House/Cuddy game, in the same way that Cameron's interactions (and manipulations) in "Guardian Angels" felt like it should be a House/Wilson game. I really don't mind Cameron this season, and enjoyed her enough in this ep. It just felt a little forced (and reminiscent -- "you think just because they make me miserable I'm going to give you cable?").
Either way -- I enjoyed House getting the ball rolling by tainting the tongue depressors (how about building a HOUSE with them, House?) and throwing the gloves around like tissues. As well as citing that reputable study conducted in his apartment, and the little joke about not having to worry about surviving on broadcast cable on Tuesdays.
- THE ROADIES! We have found our name for the new ducklings, Y/N? No need for Ducklings 2.0, neo-ducklings, geese, or any other kind of fowl.
- The whole idea of House being a little perturbed over Cate being able to see him was interesting. When the series started, they seemed more focused on House's reluctance to interact with his patients, the whole "sick doctor" thing, and I always found that interesting. Last season, we had House desperately trying to isolate himself. We started off this season with "Alone" and it really feels like they might be heading back to that angle now that the new team is settled (I also thought religion was going to be a topic for the seasons, early on in the run; after last week and the coming episode, I think they might be heading there again). It's unfortunate that the writers strike still hasn't been settled and we're coming to the end of the filmed episodes just as we're getting back into more character exploration. Just when it's getting good!
- After last week, I was kind of getting tired of House's games. Well, no. I LOVE House's games, but with the, what, 8 episodes devoted to House's most overt and involved game so far, getting ONLY games was getting a litte tiresome. CHARACTER EXPLORATION, FTW. Necessary games to induct the Roadies, GOOD. (13's already established Mary Sue-ness AND once again figuring out this game, kind of FTL)
- I know I'm probably going to get long-winded once I start talking about House/Cate and House/Cuddy, so I'm going to jump out of order (okay, I do realize how ridiculous that is, as I just realized I've already been pretty damn long-winded). I loved, loved House hitting Marvin Gaye and doing a rather restricted dance.
- I was spoiled on the Wilson/CTB thing, but that didn't take away from the great H/W moments. Their banter was spot on. I LOLed at Wilson running away in a rather dorkish manner. When he muttered "Your momma" when House was rattling through his list of women Wilson could be dating. "Never before has a profession been so decried by someone who needed it so badly." "Topless oncology." Wilson wearing a purple shirt for someONE -- OMG, WILSON'S DATING FOREMAN? Wilson falling down a flight of stairs drunk. THE WEST WING REFERENCE, FTW! ("Why are you following me?" "I thought you were following me.") House falling back on his always-there-when-you-need-it Cuddy = transsexual joke. Kutner's "I love you" and not standing up to House at the RIGHT time. "Seriously, I need cable."
- I liked Cate quite a bit. You know, I watched that human trafficking movie on Lifetime. Mira Sorvino just never really impressed me, in general (I'm not basing this JUST on the Lifetime movie, although I'm so sure it's her greatest work *she says sarcastically*). Wasn't getting too excited from the previews and from the opening sequence. But she was great in the interactions with House. So, we have this psychiatrist who is doing research, probably on how people deal with being in an isolated environment and how they interact with the other subjects. House tries to create his OWN isolated environment. As much as people talk about House ultimately ending up alone, I don't see House as being the same loner as when he started out. And as miserable as others try to say he is, he actually seems pretty damn happy this season, and has actually said it's all about finding the perfect amount of miserableness.
- Second H/C scene -- just under a minute. THAT'S ALMOST TWO FULL MINUTES OF CUDDY THIS EPISODE, WOW! While Cuddy muttering that she had to fire Cameron did give me a warm fuzzy feeling, I thought this was weak. Cuddy can play House better than that! And it was just sort of written off as a failed attempt. I would've even welcomed a Cuddy/CAMERON scene where they conspired. ("I should be hearing from the South Pole in a few minutes" is clearly code for sexings, just as "clinic duty" is.)
- When it all came down to the foot. Re-watching it, they foreshadowed it so much. Even having Cate checking the guy's toe for circulation.
- Wilson/CTB in execution felt kind of awkward. Next week looks interesting, though. For all sorts of fun reasons. And I'd kind of like to know House's three possibilities. Things I Learned From House: Love is not taking your socks off. And drinking your partner's urine.
- This is where I show my true colors and look at everything through my House/Cuddy glasses. Similar to the Stacy arc, I think you can look at Cate's comments on House, and on everyone else's comments on House's connection with Cate, and take some insights into House/Cuddy from it. (oh, and can I just say -- BIG difference between House's flirtations with Cate and his flirtations with... CIA Lady Doc. Much higher calibre this time around)
"I never said you needed fixing."
ellixian and have... posited, in our ongoing thesis on H/C, that Cuddy has no desire to change House. She's certainly TRIED to, often at the urgency of others, but I think at times she actually is pained to do so. I think she knows that if you try to change one thing about House, you risk changing something else that's great about him. I don't think any relationship between the two of them would be smooth-sailing, and I'd actually expect it to be rather rocky and off-and-on, but I do think they could ultimately end up together, just finding that this whole thing works for them. They'll always fall into their usual rhythm as long as they're around each other.
The exchange between Foreman and Wilson: He's annoyed by her, doesn't respect her as a doctor, constantly insults her. / That's House's version of courtship. Sound like anyone we know? (I had to make a
banner stating such for ellixian) Cuddy's career is obviously a factor in her lack of a love life, and I've said that the fact that neither House or Cuddy would demand that the other give up their passion in their work for the other. And, as stated in the banner, Cuddy's illness can be Chronic Sexiness Syndrome. It's not really MYSTERIOUS, I suppose. Though, the ferocity with which Lisa/Cuddy steals our heterosexuality is rather unique.
Um, I'm reaching a bit now, but -- Cate refuses to take the prednisone without a diagnosis, because other people might need them. Cuddy refused to take the antibiotics because Scuba Guy would need them more than her in "Airborne." House thinks they're both idiots.
Okay, I'm actually tapped out now. But, anyway. Loved the episode. Wasn't feeling "It's a Wonderful Lie" as much as I hoped (and, after the prolonged hiatus, expected) I would. This was much, much more enjoyable.
And then there was one.