2014 Sign-ups Open

Apr 28, 2014 08:06

Now you can sign up!

Here is the form: SIGN-UP FORM LINK

Sign-ups will close at midnight on Sunday 4 May if you're in New York, or 4pm on Monday 5 May if you're in New Zealand. (Here is a countdown.)

From the FAQ
When you sign up, you can make between 3 and 6 requests from the available (nominated) pool of songs and music videos. There is a space to enter a prompt for each song you request, so you can give your mystery writer an idea of what kind of story you’d like.

Some exchange participants also like to post a longer letter for their writer in a personal journal or somewhere else. Feel free - that’s up to you. (I will shortly add a post where people can link their letters.)

You must also choose between 3 and 10 songs or music videos that you are willing to write for.

You will be assigned someone who has asked for at least one song or music video that you have offered. You must write them a story of 1,000 words or more, based on any of their prompts.

If none of your recipient’s requests are songs or videos you actually offered to write, email the mod account (jukebox.mod, at gmail) and I will sort this out.

What should a prompt look like?
Other, more eloquent people than me have written about how to write a perfect prompt. I have two suggestions:
-Talk about what you like (both within the canon, and in stories in general).
-Give your writer several options, if possible.

As a writer, what will be expected of me?
-Write a story to the word length and on time.
-Use your recipient's prompts as a guide. You may not be able to fulfil their request to the letter, but do your best to fulfill the spirit of their request.
-Please get the story looked at by a beta reader.
-Email me (jukebox.mod, gmail) if you're having problems.
-If the story isn't coming together, or stuff just happens, please default in plenty of time, if you can. This helps me arrange for a pinch hitter to write for your recipient.

I have not enabled the Ratings function on the sign-up form. You may certainly request explicit fic, but writers are not obligated to write a rating above their comfort level. If, as a recipient, you want writers to avoid specific things in your gift (explicit sex; verbal abuse; clowns), you are advised to mention this in your prompt.

2014, sign-ups

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