Jukebox 2022 Rough Schedule & Co-Mod!

Feb 23, 2022 22:41

Hello! Last year I said I wasn't sure I'd run a 2022 round of Jukebox, but I'm pleased to announce there will be a round this year. That is partly because Minutia_R has agreed to help me run the exchange this year. Minutia_R is a longtime participant and has other modding experience of their own and I am very grateful for their help.

Nominations: Fri April 1 to Sun April 10
Sign-ups: Thurs April 14 to Sun April 24
Assignments out by: Mon April 25
Assignments due: Sun 5 June
Work reveals: Sun 12 June
Creator reveals: Sun 19 June

Please check back - the times for deadlines and reveals have not yet been set, and some or all are likely to be different from times of day Jukebox has used before.


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