Post-Deadline: Pinch Hits & Tagging

May 30, 2021 18:28

Congrats to everyone who has submitted a work and good luck to those still working! Treats are very welcome. Useful treat links:
YouTube playlist
Spotify playlist
Links and lyrics for nominated songs & music videos
All requests

Please consider tagging your work with the song or music video you created for. You can also tag with Undisclosed Fandom to make it easier for people to find your work from the fandoms page.

Pinch hits

Pinch hits #8 and #9 are due at 11:59pm on Friday 4 June. Please reply with your AO3 name, or email, if you can claim one of these.

CLAIMED - PH #8 - art, fic
Request 1 by plastics
Trailer Trash - Modest Mouse (Song)
Fanart, Fanfiction

Likes: loyalty and group dynamics; competency at jobs and hobbies; mythical creatures and magic; smut; relationship messiness of all flavors: pining! jealousy! breaking up and making up! mismatched investment! Denial!

A/B/O • Accidentally Fell In Love With The Mission Target • Arranged Marriage • Temporary Amnesia • Break Up/Make Up • Childhood Friends • Enemies to Friends to Lovers (or any order therein) • Fake Dating/Fake Marriage Accidentally Turns Into Feelings • Falling For A Coworker/Teammate Is A Bad Idea • Found Families • Hidden/Mistake Identities • Highly Specific AUs • Loyalty Kink • Organized Crime • Regency • Rivals • Royals/Political Marriage Turns Into Feelings • Seemingly Unrequited Pining • Snowed-In Cabin/Isolated Together • Soulmates/soulbonds • Sports! • Supernatural Creatures

I’m very open to shipfic!

DNW: apocalypse, devastating natural disasters, complete dystopias - explicit underage sex (<15) - gender or sex swap, men being feminized or crossdressing - violent hate crimes or other extreme instances of bigotry, fighting isms as the main plot - heavy focus on IRL religions - incest treated as normal or culturally accepted, intergeneral incest - kidfic, unrequested pregnancy/parenthood - major character death, graphic injury, gore, body horror, serious illness, injuries resulting from sex, impact play (but wrestling, bruising, etc. with some soreness is all good) - slavery - unrequested poly


Request 2 by plastics
Secret Life of Tigers - N.E.R.D (Song)
Fanart, Fanfiction

Likes: loyalty and group dynamics; competency at jobs and hobbies; mythical creatures and magic; smut; relationship messiness of all flavors: pining! jealousy! breaking up and making up! mismatched investment! Denial!

A/B/O • Accidentally Fell In Love With The Mission Target • Arranged Marriage • Temporary Amnesia • Break Up/Make Up • Childhood Friends • Enemies to Friends to Lovers (or any order therein) • Fake Dating/Fake Marriage Accidentally Turns Into Feelings • Falling For A Coworker/Teammate Is A Bad Idea • Found Families • Hidden/Mistake Identities • Highly Specific AUs • Loyalty Kink • Organized Crime • Regency • Rivals • Royals/Political Marriage Turns Into Feelings • Seemingly Unrequited Pining • Snowed-In Cabin/Isolated Together • Soulmates/soulbonds • Sports! • Supernatural Creatures

I’m very open to shipfic!

DNW: apocalypse, devastating natural disasters, complete dystopias - explicit underage sex (<15) - gender or sex swap, men being feminized or crossdressing - violent hate crimes or other extreme instances of bigotry, fighting isms as the main plot - heavy focus on IRL religions - incest treated as normal or culturally accepted, intergeneral incest - kidfic, unrequested pregnancy/parenthood - major character death, graphic injury, gore, body horror, serious illness, injuries resulting from sex, impact play (but wrestling, bruising, etc. with some soreness is all good) - slavery - unrequested poly


Request 3 by plastics
Jimmy Mack - Animal Collective (Song)

Likes: loyalty and group dynamics; competency at jobs and hobbies; mythical creatures and magic; smut; relationship messiness of all flavors: pining! jealousy! breaking up and making up! mismatched investment! Denial!

A/B/O • Accidentally Fell In Love With The Mission Target • Arranged Marriage • Temporary Amnesia • Break Up/Make Up • Childhood Friends • Enemies to Friends to Lovers (or any order therein) • Fake Dating/Fake Marriage Accidentally Turns Into Feelings • Falling For A Coworker/Teammate Is A Bad Idea • Found Families • Hidden/Mistake Identities • Highly Specific AUs • Loyalty Kink • Organized Crime • Regency • Rivals • Royals/Political Marriage Turns Into Feelings • Seemingly Unrequited Pining • Snowed-In Cabin/Isolated Together • Soulmates/soulbonds • Sports! • Supernatural Creatures

I’m very open to shipfic!

DNW: apocalypse, devastating natural disasters, complete dystopias - explicit underage sex (<15) - gender or sex swap, men being feminized or crossdressing - violent hate crimes or other extreme instances of bigotry, fighting isms as the main plot - heavy focus on IRL religions - incest treated as normal or culturally accepted, intergeneral incest - kidfic, unrequested pregnancy/parenthood - major character death, graphic injury, gore, body horror, serious illness, injuries resulting from sex, impact play (but wrestling, bruising, etc. with some soreness is all good) - slavery - unrequested poly


Request 4 by plastics
Diplomat’s Son - Vampire Weekend (Song)

Likes: loyalty and group dynamics; competency at jobs and hobbies; mythical creatures and magic; smut; relationship messiness of all flavors: pining! jealousy! breaking up and making up! mismatched investment! Denial!

A/B/O • Accidentally Fell In Love With The Mission Target • Arranged Marriage • Temporary Amnesia • Break Up/Make Up • Childhood Friends • Enemies to Friends to Lovers (or any order therein) • Fake Dating/Fake Marriage Accidentally Turns Into Feelings • Falling For A Coworker/Teammate Is A Bad Idea • Found Families • Hidden/Mistake Identities • Highly Specific AUs • Loyalty Kink • Organized Crime • Regency • Rivals • Royals/Political Marriage Turns Into Feelings • Seemingly Unrequited Pining • Snowed-In Cabin/Isolated Together • Soulmates/soulbonds • Sports! • Supernatural Creatures

I’m very open to shipfic!

DNW: apocalypse, devastating natural disasters, complete dystopias - explicit underage sex (<15) - gender or sex swap, men being feminized or crossdressing - violent hate crimes or other extreme instances of bigotry, fighting isms as the main plot - heavy focus on IRL religions - incest treated as normal or culturally accepted, intergeneral incest - kidfic, unrequested pregnancy/parenthood - major character death, graphic injury, gore, body horror, serious illness, injuries resulting from sex, impact play (but wrestling, bruising, etc. with some soreness is all good) - slavery - unrequested poly


Request 5 by plastics
Danny - Hockey Dad (Song)

Likes: loyalty and group dynamics; competency at jobs and hobbies; mythical creatures and magic; smut; relationship messiness of all flavors: pining! jealousy! breaking up and making up! mismatched investment! Denial!

A/B/O • Accidentally Fell In Love With The Mission Target • Arranged Marriage • Temporary Amnesia • Break Up/Make Up • Childhood Friends • Enemies to Friends to Lovers (or any order therein) • Fake Dating/Fake Marriage Accidentally Turns Into Feelings • Falling For A Coworker/Teammate Is A Bad Idea • Found Families • Hidden/Mistake Identities • Highly Specific AUs • Loyalty Kink • Organized Crime • Regency • Rivals • Royals/Political Marriage Turns Into Feelings • Seemingly Unrequited Pining • Snowed-In Cabin/Isolated Together • Soulmates/soulbonds • Sports! • Supernatural Creatures

I’m very open to shipfic!

DNW: apocalypse, devastating natural disasters, complete dystopias - explicit underage sex (<15) - gender or sex swap, men being feminized or crossdressing - violent hate crimes or other extreme instances of bigotry, fighting isms as the main plot - heavy focus on IRL religions - incest treated as normal or culturally accepted, intergeneral incest - kidfic, unrequested pregnancy/parenthood - major character death, graphic injury, gore, body horror, serious illness, injuries resulting from sex, impact play (but wrestling, bruising, etc. with some soreness is all good) - slavery - unrequested poly


Request 6 by plastics
CAROUSEL - Travis Scott (Song)
Fanart, Fanfiction

Likes: loyalty and group dynamics; competency at jobs and hobbies; mythical creatures and magic; smut; relationship messiness of all flavors: pining! jealousy! breaking up and making up! mismatched investment! Denial!

A/B/O • Accidentally Fell In Love With The Mission Target • Arranged Marriage • Temporary Amnesia • Break Up/Make Up • Childhood Friends • Enemies to Friends to Lovers (or any order therein) • Fake Dating/Fake Marriage Accidentally Turns Into Feelings • Falling For A Coworker/Teammate Is A Bad Idea • Found Families • Hidden/Mistake Identities • Highly Specific AUs • Loyalty Kink • Organized Crime • Regency • Rivals • Royals/Political Marriage Turns Into Feelings • Seemingly Unrequited Pining • Snowed-In Cabin/Isolated Together • Soulmates/soulbonds • Sports! • Supernatural Creatures

I’m very open to shipfic!

DNW: apocalypse, devastating natural disasters, complete dystopias - explicit underage sex (<15) - gender or sex swap, men being feminized or crossdressing - violent hate crimes or other extreme instances of bigotry, fighting isms as the main plot - heavy focus on IRL religions - incest treated as normal or culturally accepted, intergeneral incest - kidfic, unrequested pregnancy/parenthood - major character death, graphic injury, gore, body horror, serious illness, injuries resulting from sex, impact play (but wrestling, bruising, etc. with some soreness is all good) - slavery - unrequested poly


Request 7 by plastics
Age of Consent - New Order (Song)

Likes: loyalty and group dynamics; competency at jobs and hobbies; mythical creatures and magic; smut; relationship messiness of all flavors: pining! jealousy! breaking up and making up! mismatched investment! Denial!

A/B/O • Accidentally Fell In Love With The Mission Target • Arranged Marriage • Temporary Amnesia • Break Up/Make Up • Childhood Friends • Enemies to Friends to Lovers (or any order therein) • Fake Dating/Fake Marriage Accidentally Turns Into Feelings • Falling For A Coworker/Teammate Is A Bad Idea • Found Families • Hidden/Mistake Identities • Highly Specific AUs • Loyalty Kink • Organized Crime • Regency • Rivals • Royals/Political Marriage Turns Into Feelings • Seemingly Unrequited Pining • Snowed-In Cabin/Isolated Together • Soulmates/soulbonds • Sports! • Supernatural Creatures

I’m very open to shipfic!

DNW: apocalypse, devastating natural disasters, complete dystopias - explicit underage sex (<15) - gender or sex swap, men being feminized or crossdressing - violent hate crimes or other extreme instances of bigotry, fighting isms as the main plot - heavy focus on IRL religions - incest treated as normal or culturally accepted, intergeneral incest - kidfic, unrequested pregnancy/parenthood - major character death, graphic injury, gore, body horror, serious illness, injuries resulting from sex, impact play (but wrestling, bruising, etc. with some soreness is all good) - slavery - unrequested poly


Request 8 by plastics
Adam - Alex G (Song)

Likes: loyalty and group dynamics; competency at jobs and hobbies; mythical creatures and magic; smut; relationship messiness of all flavors: pining! jealousy! breaking up and making up! mismatched investment! Denial!

A/B/O • Accidentally Fell In Love With The Mission Target • Arranged Marriage • Temporary Amnesia • Break Up/Make Up • Childhood Friends • Enemies to Friends to Lovers (or any order therein) • Fake Dating/Fake Marriage Accidentally Turns Into Feelings • Falling For A Coworker/Teammate Is A Bad Idea • Found Families • Hidden/Mistake Identities • Highly Specific AUs • Loyalty Kink • Organized Crime • Regency • Rivals • Royals/Political Marriage Turns Into Feelings • Seemingly Unrequited Pining • Snowed-In Cabin/Isolated Together • Soulmates/soulbonds • Sports! • Supernatural Creatures

I’m very open to shipfic!

DNW: apocalypse, devastating natural disasters, complete dystopias - explicit underage sex (<15) - gender or sex swap, men being feminized or crossdressing - violent hate crimes or other extreme instances of bigotry, fighting isms as the main plot - heavy focus on IRL religions - incest treated as normal or culturally accepted, intergeneral incest - kidfic, unrequested pregnancy/parenthood - major character death, graphic injury, gore, body horror, serious illness, injuries resulting from sex, impact play (but wrestling, bruising, etc. with some soreness is all good) - slavery - unrequested poly


CLAIMED - PH #9 - fic
Request 1 by Minutia_R
Alibi - Dessa (Song)

DNW (general):

-Long fic. Anything more than about 5000 words or so and I start getting anxious about reading and commenting in a timely fashion while still giving the story the attention it deserves, so I’d just rather you didn’t.
-Purely introspective stories with no action or character interaction
-Choose-Your-Own-Adventure/interactive/game-style fic
-Body image issues. I don’t mind brief mentions, but please don’t spend a lot of time dwelling on a character hating their body.
-It-was-only-a-dream type endings
-Torture for information (torture for fun/religious ritual/to enforce compliance is fine)/violent interrogation methods

DNW (smut):

-That thing where one or more of the people involved doesn’t know what sex is or realize they’re having it
-Religion kink--like, using religious paraphernalia as sex toys, religious garb acting as fetish wear, or kinking on breaking religious vows of chastity. Sex with gods, devils, demons, or while being a god is okay and even great though.
-One partner calling out another’s name during orgasm


I'm intrigued by the family relationship of the narrator and the interlocutor: are they biological family? Did they grow up together? What's their shared history like, and how did they end up on different paths? I also want to know what, exactly, the interlocutor needs an alibi for. One possibility is that the narrator might be planning on killing the interlocutor's no-good lover before the lover can involve, implicate, or hurt them further, and I'd like to see how that plays out. Is the interlocutor aware of the narrator's plans? Will they try to stop the narrator? If forced to choose between their lover and the narrator, what will they do?


Request 2 by Minutia_R
Daydreaming - Scenic Route to Alaska (Music Video)

DNW (general):

-Long fic. Anything more than about 5000 words or so and I start getting anxious about reading and commenting in a timely fashion while still giving the story the attention it deserves, so I’d just rather you didn’t.
-Purely introspective stories with no action or character interaction
-Choose-Your-Own-Adventure/interactive/game-style fic
-Body image issues. I don’t mind brief mentions, but please don’t spend a lot of time dwelling on a character hating their body.
-It-was-only-a-dream type endings
-Torture for information (torture for fun/religious ritual/to enforce compliance is fine)/violent interrogation methods

DNW (smut):

-That thing where one or more of the people involved doesn’t know what sex is or realize they’re having it
-Religion kink--like, using religious paraphernalia as sex toys, religious garb acting as fetish wear, or kinking on breaking religious vows of chastity. Sex with gods, devils, demons, or while being a god is okay and even great though.
-One partner calling out another’s name during orgasm


There are so many possibilities of what could be happening here--is the protagonist a clone? In a time loop? The victim of a mad science experiment? Caught in a simulation? Whatever it is, their disorientation and terror come through really strongly and I’d love a story that captured some of that feeling. I’d also like to know what changes in circumstance cause some versions of the protagonist to be so hostile and violent, others apparently friendly, and still others just trying to muddle through the best they can.


Request 3 by Minutia_R
Diamonds and Rust - Joan Baez (Song)

DNW (general):

-Long fic. Anything more than about 5000 words or so and I start getting anxious about reading and commenting in a timely fashion while still giving the story the attention it deserves, so I’d just rather you didn’t.
-Purely introspective stories with no action or character interaction
-Choose-Your-Own-Adventure/interactive/game-style fic
-Body image issues. I don’t mind brief mentions, but please don’t spend a lot of time dwelling on a character hating their body.
-It-was-only-a-dream type endings
-Torture for information (torture for fun/religious ritual/to enforce compliance is fine)/violent interrogation methods

DNW (smut):

-That thing where one or more of the people involved doesn’t know what sex is or realize they’re having it
-Religion kink--like, using religious paraphernalia as sex toys, religious garb acting as fetish wear, or kinking on breaking religious vows of chastity. Sex with gods, devils, demons, or while being a god is okay and even great though.
-One partner calling out another’s name during orgasm


Space ghosts! Messy breakups! Relativistic effects on an already rocky relationship? Time travel? I love how this song blends a very mundane, personal story with science-fictional and possibly fantastical elements--yeah, those are probably meant to be metaphors, but they’re real in my heart! The mood I get from this is one of mourning for a lost relationship combined with acceptance that the narrator can’t get it back and might not want to even if they could, and I’d love to see that feeling interrogated with space travel and/or time paradoxes.


Request 4 by Minutia_R
Mean Well - Dear Reader (Music Video)

DNW (general):

-Long fic. Anything more than about 5000 words or so and I start getting anxious about reading and commenting in a timely fashion while still giving the story the attention it deserves, so I’d just rather you didn’t.
-Purely introspective stories with no action or character interaction
-Choose-Your-Own-Adventure/interactive/game-style fic
-Body image issues. I don’t mind brief mentions, but please don’t spend a lot of time dwelling on a character hating their body.
-It-was-only-a-dream type endings
-Torture for information (torture for fun/religious ritual/to enforce compliance is fine)/violent interrogation methods

DNW (smut):

-That thing where one or more of the people involved doesn’t know what sex is or realize they’re having it
-Religion kink--like, using religious paraphernalia as sex toys, religious garb acting as fetish wear, or kinking on breaking religious vows of chastity. Sex with gods, devils, demons, or while being a god is okay and even great though.
-One partner calling out another’s name during orgasm


The lyrics suggest someone suffering from Stockholm Syndrome, or an experiment of Mad Science abandoned by their creator. I really dig the old-timey monster-movie aesthetic of the video, and the juxtaposition of the creepy and the mundane; the jerky and repetitive images might hint at the narrator being somehow unglued in time, stuck in a time loop or plagued by visions of the future/past? I'm interested in the relationship between the narrator and the individual they're addressing, and also about the people/other creatures attached to the "eyes everywhere" and if, in fact, they mean well.


Request 5 by Minutia_R
Oleander - Sarah Harmer (Song)

DNW (general):

-Long fic. Anything more than about 5000 words or so and I start getting anxious about reading and commenting in a timely fashion while still giving the story the attention it deserves, so I’d just rather you didn’t.
-Purely introspective stories with no action or character interaction
-Choose-Your-Own-Adventure/interactive/game-style fic
-Body image issues. I don’t mind brief mentions, but please don’t spend a lot of time dwelling on a character hating their body.
-It-was-only-a-dream type endings
-Torture for information (torture for fun/religious ritual/to enforce compliance is fine)/violent interrogation methods

DNW (smut):

-That thing where one or more of the people involved doesn’t know what sex is or realize they’re having it
-Religion kink--like, using religious paraphernalia as sex toys, religious garb acting as fetish wear, or kinking on breaking religious vows of chastity. Sex with gods, devils, demons, or while being a god is okay and even great though.
-One partner calling out another’s name during orgasm


Is the narrator of this song singing to a woman, or to a houseplant? If you just look at the words, it might be a houseplant--but it's a houseplant she's got weirdly intense feelings towards. I like to think that this is the story of a human woman and her nature-spirit ex-girlfriend who she would like to get back together with. I like the sense that the narrator has realized and learned from the mistakes that she made the first time around, and I would be interested in either a happy or bittersweet ending.


Request 6 by Minutia_R
Rattlin' Bones - Kasey Chambers & Shane Nicholson (Song)

DNW (general):

-Long fic. Anything more than about 5000 words or so and I start getting anxious about reading and commenting in a timely fashion while still giving the story the attention it deserves, so I’d just rather you didn’t.
-Purely introspective stories with no action or character interaction
-Choose-Your-Own-Adventure/interactive/game-style fic
-Body image issues. I don’t mind brief mentions, but please don’t spend a lot of time dwelling on a character hating their body.
-It-was-only-a-dream type endings
-Torture for information (torture for fun/religious ritual/to enforce compliance is fine)/violent interrogation methods

DNW (smut):

-That thing where one or more of the people involved doesn’t know what sex is or realize they’re having it
-Religion kink--like, using religious paraphernalia as sex toys, religious garb acting as fetish wear, or kinking on breaking religious vows of chastity. Sex with gods, devils, demons, or while being a god is okay and even great though.
-One partner calling out another’s name during orgasm


The refrain "smoke don't rise..." suggests a world where the physical laws the narrator is familiar with don't apply anymore--maybe a post-apocalyptic scenario, or an underworld/otherworld. I'm intrigued by Sorrow as a personified figure, and want to know why the narrator left their home and their love, and why they're so determined to avoid making a deal with either the Devil or God. I also like the interpretation that the narrator is a miner working in a real-life underworld, but I'd rather have a story that combines mining with the supernatural than a purely mundane one about mining.


Request 7 by Minutia_R
Fistful of Rain - Warren Zevon (Song)

DNW (general):

-Long fic. Anything more than about 5000 words or so and I start getting anxious about reading and commenting in a timely fashion while still giving the story the attention it deserves, so I’d just rather you didn’t.
-Purely introspective stories with no action or character interaction
-Choose-Your-Own-Adventure/interactive/game-style fic
-Body image issues. I don’t mind brief mentions, but please don’t spend a lot of time dwelling on a character hating their body.
-It-was-only-a-dream type endings
-Torture for information (torture for fun/religious ritual/to enforce compliance is fine)/violent interrogation methods

DNW (smut):

-That thing where one or more of the people involved doesn’t know what sex is or realize they’re having it
-Religion kink--like, using religious paraphernalia as sex toys, religious garb acting as fetish wear, or kinking on breaking religious vows of chastity. Sex with gods, devils, demons, or while being a god is okay and even great though.
-One partner calling out another’s name during orgasm


Apparently the protagonist of this song is coming into conflict with an enemy who has powers over the flow of time and nature of reality--what with being able to turn diamonds back into coal and all--and maybe their entire life is a fiction manufactured by this enemy? But their mind is fighting back against it although they don’t totally understand what’s going on? And the only way they have of fighting back is a metaphor for embracing the transient nature of reality?


Request 8 by Minutia_R
Sweet Jezebel - Mean Mary (Song)

DNW (general):

-Long fic. Anything more than about 5000 words or so and I start getting anxious about reading and commenting in a timely fashion while still giving the story the attention it deserves, so I’d just rather you didn’t.
-Purely introspective stories with no action or character interaction
-Choose-Your-Own-Adventure/interactive/game-style fic
-Body image issues. I don’t mind brief mentions, but please don’t spend a lot of time dwelling on a character hating their body.
-It-was-only-a-dream type endings
-Torture for information (torture for fun/religious ritual/to enforce compliance is fine)/violent interrogation methods

DNW (smut):

-That thing where one or more of the people involved doesn’t know what sex is or realize they’re having it
-Religion kink--like, using religious paraphernalia as sex toys, religious garb acting as fetish wear, or kinking on breaking religious vows of chastity. Sex with gods, devils, demons, or while being a god is okay and even great though.
-One partner calling out another’s name during orgasm


I am here for hot woman-on-demonic-guitar action, although if you wanted to give Jezebel an alternate humanoid form for smut purposes, that would be cool too. Shipping aside, I'm wondering about Jezebel's point of view on this--how does she feel about being a temptation, to be used and heroically cast aside? What's her relationship with the mysterious Devil-like stranger? Like I said above, I'm not really interested in an interpretation where these events are nothing but a hallucination--even if the narrator's life seemingly picks up where it left off, I'd like to see some indication that the events of the song are real on some level, and that the narrator and Jezebel made some kind of lasting impression on each other, even if they never see each other again. Alternatively, I'd be intrigued by a scenario where they were somehow reunited, for better or for worse.


Gift requirements
Fic: 1,000+ words
Podfic: 500-5,000 words, provided as both text and recording
Art: 1 piece of original, complete art
No DNWs.
Treats can be shorter. You don't need to be signed up to the exchange to claim a pinch hit or post a treat.
More challenge info at the collection

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