Jukebox 2019 is Over!

Jun 03, 2019 11:20

I have revealed creator names at the collection. (Due to having just woken up, I contrived to get the Archive to send out gift notifications again. Sorry!) I hope you enjoy seeing who made what.

For myself, while concentrating on edits to fandom5k fics right now, I'm hoping to come back in a few weeks to read and look at more works. I hope others also continue to find gems in the collection.

I had a great exchange and hope you did too. Thank you so much to everyone who signed up, made things, and celebrated the works! Thanks also to the wranglers who have canonised the fandoms. If you have any remaining problems, please let me know at jukebox.mod@gmail.com. Or comment on this post. General feedback is welcome!

Jukebox will run next year, probably at a similar time. I will have next year's schedule up by the end of this year.

This post on DW

2019, wrap-up

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