Beta-Reading Post

Aug 14, 2013 15:31

(This should be the last post for a while).

For volunteers
If you think you might be up for beta-reading someone's fic during the writing process, please comment here with an email address. If you are signed up to the challenge, please also give me your AO3 name to ensure I don't send you details about a fic that's meant to be your gift.

Comments are screened.

You will occasionally receive emails from me with fic lengths and details. If you see one you have interest in and time for, just reply to my email, and I'll put you in touch with the writer.

For writers
If you have a fic that needs a beta, please email the mod (jukebox.mod, gmail) to request a beta reader. The details will be sent out to a list and you will be put in contact with anyone who volunteers.

Please include these details:
-The AO3 name of the recipient
-The song you're writing for
-The length of the fic.

Possible optional details:
-A brief summary
-Amount of sexual content or violence; similar things that might be difficult for readers (at your discretion)
-Type of beta-reading you require (just SPAG; checking a particular plot point, etc).

audience participation, betas, beta-reading

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