Playlist of Requested Songs, 2018

May 02, 2018 10:21

Sorry for taking so long to get this up! Please enjoy a Youtube playlist of all songs and music videos requested in the challenge this year. They're in the order of the sign-up summary, or, I recommend listening to them on shuffle. (The embedded version will only load the first 200 of 302 songs, so I recommend watching/listening at YouTube.)

image Click to view

For lyrics, and more links, see:
All songs by artist name
All songs by song title

Corrections welcome. Please let me know if a video won't play in your region (especially if you can help me find one that can, that I can add in).

Happy listening!

Meanwhile, if you can beta art, fic, or podfic for this fest, more volunteers are welcome at the LJ post or at the DW post.

playlist, resources, 2018

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